The Post

Lemalu in fundraisin­g concert


Grammy award winning opera star Jonathan Lemalu, pictured, and a brass quintet comprising players from the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra will perform at a fundraisin­g concert for a young classical trumpeter tomorrow night at St Peters on Willis Street.

Proceeds from the concert will go to Wellington trumpet player Nina Noble who begins postgradua­te study in classical trumpet at the Royal College of Music in London in September.

This is a rare opportunit­y to hear Lemalu sing live, as the opera star spends most of his year performing in Europe. Lemalu’s repertoire will include, Just another Rhumba, by Ella Fitzgerald and I am a Bass, which was written for him by composer John Drummond.

The brass quintet comprises Noble and NZSO players Shannon Pittaway, Matthew Allison, Matthew Stein and David Codd. They will accompany Lemalu and play a selection of music from Leonard Bernstein’s West Side Story.

Noble graduated this year from the New Zealand School of Music, and was first trumpet in the National Youth Orchestra. Noble was the recipient of the NZSO’s Alex Lindsay prize, which is awarded to the most outstandin­g musician in the National Youth Orchestra, as voted by the musicians of the NZSO.

–Nina Noble& Friends, St Peterson Willis St, 7pm, July 19. Tickets: $15-$25, at the door on search Nina Noble & Friends on

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