The Post

Tana leaves questions after reported Parliament visit

- Anna Whyte

Rogue MP Darleen Tana left no clear answer as to what her next move will be, after it was understood she made an appearance at Parliament yesterday morning.

Media waited for hours to get answers from the MP – but were not successful. Her communicat­ion with her ex-party, the Greens, has also been limited.

Former Green Party leader James Shaw also turned up to Parliament – looking relaxed on an unre- lated media visit.

Tana said yesterday she was not in a position to talk plans. Asked if she would be staying on as an MP, she told Stuff she would confirm “when a decision is made”.

If Tana chooses to stay on as an independen­t MP, the Green Party would likely need to go to its membership should it choose to enact ‘’waka-jumping’’ provisions to try to remove her from Parliament.

Earlier in the day, the Green Party released the executive summary of the final report into the investigat­ion into what Tana knew about allegation­s of migrant exploitati­on at her husband Christian Hoff-Nielsen’s business.

The report had been leaked to various media outlets, but the Greens declined to publicly release it until it had sign-off from all named parties.

The report canvasses the complaints of four former employees of E Cycles NZ, two of which were uncovered during the investigat­ion process and which had previously been resolved through the Employment Relations Authority (ERA).

The aim of the investigat­ion was to interrogat­e what Tana knew about the claims, not the substance of them. Two of the complaints are before the ERA.

Tana has disputed the report’s findings, saying she didn’t think natural justice processes had been followed, and she does not accept the findings. She said the party had come to a predetermi­ned view and the report substantia­lly misreprese­nted her involvemen­t in her husband’s business. “The report does not say that migrant exploitati­on has occurred, let alone that I am responsibl­e for it.”

Also yesterday, Bikes and Beyond, the bike business owned by the husband of ex-Green MP Darleen Tana, closed in the wake of allegation­s of migrant exploitati­on.

Documents were filed at the Companies Office at 4.31pm yesterday afternoon, appointing Auckland insolvency firm Khov Jones as liquidator­s of E Cycles NZ Ltd, which trades as Bikes and Beyond.

The filing said the company’s shareholde­r, Tana’s husband Christian Hoff-Nielsen, had made the decision to liquidate the company. He had been advertisin­g the Waiheke branch for sale since at least May.

 ?? ?? Darleen Tana
Darleen Tana

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