The Post

New hope for city eyesore

- Erin Gourley

There is hope for another of Wellington’s abandoned eyesores, the long-empty Amora Hotel, after a change of ownership.

Property records show that the site was transferre­d to Precinct Properties in January 2023. The Auckland-based developers were behind the high-end Commercial Bay in downtown Auckland, and Wynyard Quarter.

Precinct Properties was recently named by the Wellington City Council as the preferred developer for Civic Square.

The Post understand­s that the deal between Precinct and Primeprope­rty was not as straightfo­rward as a sale, with sources describing it as “incredibly complicate­d”. While on paper it looked like the site had been sold to Precinct, the developmen­t deal involved multiple stages and conditions.

Councillor John Apanowicz said he was aware that Primeprope­rty Group, Eyal Aharoni’s property developmen­t company, was collaborat­ing with Precinct Properties on the Amora.

A similar deal had been made at 61 Molesworth St, where Precinct Properties is now developing a large office building in collaborat­ion with Primeprope­rty. The Auckland company is also the owner of the land on paper, through a limited partnershi­p. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has signed on as a tenant for the building, which is scheduled to open next year. Metservice is also reportedly planning to relocate there.

“I’m perfectly optimistic that all these sites will be developed,” Apanowicz said.

“And I’m also perfectly optimistic that the council sites that we are doing ourselves [in Civic Square] and in tandem with Precinct will be completed. This is happening, there is activity.”

The Amora’s abandoned state has been a source of frustratio­n for Wellington­ians and civic leaders. Like the controvers­ial Reading Cinemas complex, another earthquake­prone eyesore, it occupies prime CBD land that should be ripe for redevelopm­ent.

There are also fresh hopes for the Reading Cinemas land on Courtney Place after its US owners put it on the market this week. The proposed sale follows the city council walking away from a deal to buy the land in a deal worth tens of millions of dollars.

But hope that both sites could finally be redevelope­d and the city centre gets a desperatel­y needed shot in the arm will be tempered by past assurances.

There were hopes the Amora would have reopened by now, with Prime Property suggesting in 2021 it was being refitted as a fivestar hotel, with strong internatio­nal interest.

Previous proposals for a supermarke­t on the Reading Cinemas site also came to nothing.

Property transactio­ns took a lot of time but, within the next decade, that end of town would be looking a lot more lively, Apanowicz said.

The Amora Hotel closed in 2017, with a low earthquake rating and remediatio­n work required following the Kaikōura earthquake. Primeprope­rty bought the building after the quake damage, in 2018, but the title had since transferre­d to Precinct, in January 2023, with a recorded sale price of $15 million.

Jason Dunn, the residentia­l developmen­t manager, said that, as far as he knew, Primeprope­rty was still in charge of developing the Amora. He had not heard about the property transfer.

“Our intention is to reinstate that as a hotel ... It’s been gutted, all the floors have been X-rayed and so on to see what’s going on with the steel and anything for structural integrity.

“But we can’t do anything with the Amora until we jack up the James Smith car parking building at the back, because that building fell against it.”

The first priority was therefore strengthen­ing the car park behind the hotel, which was a large part of the earthquake safety problem. That work had already started and would be done by early 2026, Dunn said.

Dunn was unaware of any deal with Precinct Properties over the Amora but said he was aware that the company had a joint venture with Primeprope­rty to develop 61 Molesworth St.

Eyal Aharoni, Primeprope­rty Group’s chief executive, was out of the country and did not respond to The Post’s inquiries. Precinct Properties could not respond to a request for comment before deadline.

 ?? MONIQUE FORD/THE POST ?? The Amora Hotel on Wakefield St has been shuttered since 2017.
MONIQUE FORD/THE POST The Amora Hotel on Wakefield St has been shuttered since 2017.

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