The Post

Today in history


1453 - The French defeat the English at the battle of Castillon, ending the Hundred Years’ War, with Calais the only English possession on the continent.

1586 - Sir Francis Walsingham, diplomat and principal secretary to England’s Queen Elizabeth, exposes Babington Plot, a letter from Mary, Queen of Scots, to Anthony Babington planning Queen Elizabeth’s murder. As a result, Mary is executed a year later.

1603 - Sir Walter Raleigh is arrested for suspected complicity in plot to dethrone England’s King James I.

1762 - Peter III, Czar of Russia, is assassinat­ed a week after he abdicates the throne. His wife, Catherine II, who suspected Peter was going to divorce her, conspires to overthrow him and becomes Empress of Russia.

1918 - Communists kill last Russian czar, Nicholas II, and his family following the October Revolution in the Siberian city of Yekaterinb­urg.

1936 - Spanish Civil War starts as General Francisco Franco leads army forces in revolt against the government.

1945 - US President Harry Truman, British Prime Minister Clement Atlee and Soviet leader Josef Stalin meet at Potsdam, Germany, to settle the post World War II future of Europe, in a conference that lasts until August 2.

1955 - Disneyland opens its gates in Anaheim, California. 1968 - The Baath Party, including Saddam Hussein, overthrows the Iraqi government. 1973 - Afghanista­n is proclaimed a republic following palace coup that ends 40-year rule of King Mohammad Zaher Shah.

2011 - An intensifyi­ng voicemail hacking and police bribery scandal cuts closer than ever to Rupert Murdoch and Scotland Yard with the arrest of the media magnate’s former British newspaper chief and the resignatio­n of London’s police commission­er.


David Lloyd George, English statesman (1863-1945); James Cagney, actor (18991986); Donald Sutherland, actor (19352024); Angela Merkel, German chancellor (1954-). Andre Adams, NZ cricketer (1975-).

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