The Post

Opera masterpiec­e on tour


New Zealand Opera will be touring Rossini’s comic masterpiec­e Le comte Ory (The Count Ory) this winter.

Originally set in medieval France, this comedy, directed by Simon Phillips has been given a present-day facelift. Set in Aotearoa New Zealand, there will be plenty of local humour and references in this contempora­ry staging.

Phillips said he had always believed that if you wanted people to laugh, the closer you brought something to a contempora­ry era, the more chance youhad.

Le comte Ory follows the adventures of the charismati­c and cheeky Count Ory, a perennial chancer and quite possibly the “World’s Worst Womaniser”.

Leading the cast is New Zealand-Tongan lyric tenor Manase Latu as the scheming Count Ory. One of Australisi­a’s most in-demand sopranos Emma Pearson will play Countess Adèle, complete with coloratura vocal fireworks, joined by mezzo-soprano Hanna Hipp from the UK, in the quick-witted role of Isoler the page.

Returning to the operatic stage for the first time in 13 years, baritone Moses Mackay one third of classical trio Sol3 Mio, entertains as Count Ory’s pal-of-questionab­le-character Raimbaud.

The cast also includes experience­d bass-baritone Wade Kernot, recently returned-home soprano Andrea Creighton and Tayla Alexander.

The Auckland Philharmon­ia, Orchestra Wellington, and Christchur­ch Symphony Orchestra will perform in each city, under the baton of Brad Cohen.

Scenograph­er Tracy Grant Lord joins Phillips in breathing vivid life into the new production, adding her inventive design and flair to the production’s contempora­ry set and costumes.

– Le comte Ory, sung in French with English subtitles, will play at the St James Theatre, June 13-15.Tickets:

 ?? ?? Award-winning New ZealandTon­gan lyric tenor Manase Latu ( makes his role debut as the scheming Count Ory.
Award-winning New ZealandTon­gan lyric tenor Manase Latu ( makes his role debut as the scheming Count Ory.

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