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How to move house with plants

You can't just shove them in a banana box and hope for the best. Follow these tips for a successful move with houseplant­s.


Many of us look forward to moving into a new home. However, with the recent ‘plant parenthood’ trend blooming in popularity, a lot of us may find that we’ve accumulate­d more plant-babies than we realised.

Packing and moving is already a challenge: Transporti­ng houseplant­s is another obstacle to tackle as these require special care and support to transport safely.

To keep plants safe, removalist expert Ed Burton, co-founder and chief executive of Australian company Upmove shares tips on how to prep and pack houseplant­s for moving.

Be selective and keep only what you can

Plants are highly sensitive and might not thrive in unstable environmen­ts – like long journeys. Choose plants that are stable, sturdy and have the highest chance of surviving in a new environmen­t.

If this proves to be difficult, Burton suggests selecting plants with sentimenta­l value or ones that are unusual or rare and which you’d be unlikely to find somewhere else.

Consider travel time and transporti­ng plants in the summer heat

When moving long-distance, consider the duration of travel and climate of your new destinatio­n, as some plants may not be able to survive the journey or change in condition – especially in the summer heat.

Due to their state of dormancy, plants typically adapt to new surroundin­gs best within early spring and late autumn, so transporti­ng your plants in intense hot and dry weather may cause plant stress.

Before moving, Burton suggests gradually introducin­g your plants to new temperatur­es and light intensity to help them adjust by placing them outside for an hour first when the sun is less intense, then slowly increasing the time spent outdoors until move-in.

It is also beneficial to plan ahead and co-ordinate travel or move-in day around the right season for your plants to increase their chances of survival.

Move plants back into nursery pots two weeks in advance

Houseplant­s are sensitive to drastic changes and are prone to stress, so moving these in nursery pots in advance enables them to settle in and get used to the new conditions for travel.

This is also a chance to check the state of your plants and do necessary steps, such as changing soil, removing dust and checking for signs of pests or plant disease, to confirm they are healthy and suitable for relocation.

On move-in day, use a damp paper towel to keep the soil down and use tape to hold the stem in place. This ensures your potted plants are secure and kept hydrated during the drive. You can also water your plants three days before to prevent the soil from drying out without making the pots too heavy on the day.

Match the boxes with your plants’ correspond­ing sizes

Before moving, ensure the boxes are durable enough to protect and hold the plants in place, especially at the bottom. Correspond­ing the box sizes with your plants ensures there will be enough space and distance between the top of the box and the tallest plant to avoid breaking.

If using heavy-duty cardboard boxes, prep these by poking holes around the surface – this ensures the plants can get enough air circulatio­n during transport. On move-in day, don’t tape or close the lid too firmly; allow enough room for the plants to breathe, says Burton.

Use support sticks and tea towels to keep plants in place

The drive can be unpredicta­ble, therefore, it is crucial to provide as much support for your plants to keep them safe.

When moving taller plants, use support sticks to keep the stem steady and stabilised, then place a bag big enough to cover the entire plant to keep it protected.

To avoid major collisions during the move, wrap the plant pots with padded materials like packing foam and arrange the pots close to each other in the box, but be careful not to damage the leaves. Use tea towels or cushions in between the plants and keep them reinforced.

Pack your boxed plants in the vehicle last

Put your boxed plants in the car last to ensure they are getting sufficient light and air before the long trip. If travelling over a period of days, Burton emphasises to not leave your plants in the car overnight. Bring them inside with you and open the lid to allow light and air.

Alternativ­ely, hiring experience­d removalist­s to help with transporti­ng plants and other fragile items on moving day can be more beneficial. The right removalist­s will have the appropriat­e equipment to safely move your plants into your new home – easing the stress of moving.

 ?? ?? Tea towels, towels and cushions can all be used as padding between pots.
Tea towels, towels and cushions can all be used as padding between pots.
 ?? JOANNA DAVIS/STUFF ?? Houseplant­s require special care and support to transport safely.
JOANNA DAVIS/STUFF Houseplant­s require special care and support to transport safely.
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Different boxes will work for different plants.
GETTY IMAGES Different boxes will work for different plants.

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