The Northern Advocate

Wāhine in historic pōwhiri at Waitangi


In an historic move the Waitangi National Trust has held a unique and momentous occasion — a pōwhiri conducted entirely by wāhine on the historic Waitangi Treaty Grounds.

The recent Global Women Members Hui marked the first time such an event has taken place, with women leading every component, the karanga, karakia and whaikōrero.

The historic pōwhiri welcomed participan­ts to the Global Women Members Hui 2024, themed “Aotearoa New Zealand 2040: Reimagined Together.”

The significan­t gathering brought together leading women from the global movement to collective­ly visualise the skills and mindsets needed to shape a successful future for themselves, their organisati­ons and the country.

“Waitangi National Trust Trustees lent their support to this pōwhiri which was conducted in the whare rūnanga, to acknowledg­e and recognise wāhine leadership both within Global Women and Ngāpuhi,” Tania Simpson, deputy chair of the Waitangi National Trust Board and member of the Global Women’s organisati­on said.

“It’s crucial to remember that New Zealand was the first nation to grant universal suffrage to women. By holding this hui at Waitangi, Global Women connected with that legacy and inspired future generation­s of women leaders.”

The Global Women members’ hui offered a unique opportunit­y to look towards 2040 and explored themes of leadership, collaborat­ion, and the Treaty’s role in shaping a brighter future. Participan­ts were challenged to consider how they can translate the Treaty’s principles into action within their own work, personal lives and contributi­ons to society.

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