The Northern Advocate

Whangārei knows how to make everyone welcome

June features Puanga Matariki but district has included a Latin American flavour


TVince Cocurullo

here are many reasons I’m proud to call Whangārei home.

The naturally beautiful spots, the easy access to beaches and mountains, the better than average commute times (compared with our largest neighbour) and our world-class, award-winning cafes and restaurant­s — there’s just so much to love about living here.

My biggest reason for living in Whangārei is the wonderful, diverse, caring and welcoming people that we have here.

On Friday, May 17, I was honoured to co-sign our council’s “Welcoming Communitie­s” Statement of Commitment, alongside Sergeant Stainton from NZ Police, Sandra Hawken (chair of Te Huinga), Sandeep Diwan (vice chair Multicultu­ral Whangārei), Simon

Weston (Whangarei District Council CEO) and Ralph Correa, president of the Multi Ethnic Collective.

Welcoming Communitie­s is a programme led by Immigratio­n New Zealand in partnershi­p with the Ministry of Ethnic Communitie­s and the Human Rights Commission and brings together local government­s and communitie­s to make the places we love more welcoming for everyone.

I’m proud to say that Whangārei District has now achieved our first stage in this programme, which has the intention of helping people of all cultures and background­s feel included, listened to, well-informed and above all else, welcomed.

This inclusive, welcoming spirit will be present in the celebratio­n of Puanga Matariki, which runs through the month of June, beginning on May 31 with the Matariki/Puanga Exhibition at the Quarry Arts Centre.

Puanga Matariki gives us all the opportunit­y to come together as a community, reflecting on past events, celebratin­g the highs and looking ahead to our shared future.

It’s a time for reflection, remembranc­e and celebratio­n, and it’s also a time for strengthen­ing the connection­s we have within our diverse communitie­s.

This year, our district is hosting more than 40 events as part of the Puanga Matariki Festival.

The mix of events is a true reflection of our many cultures, interests and passions, including a curated collection of local and Māori artworks at Hihiaua with open days showcasing local artists at work on their pieces, guided tours of the night sky at Planetariu­m North, waka ama regattas at the Parihaka Waka Ama club, traditiona­l print technique workshops, lantern making workshops (followed by a community lantern parade) and a Puanga Matariki Celebratio­n at the Waipū Celtic Barn.

This year we’re also embracing our Latin American community as they celebrate the June solstice, which honours the traditiona­l beginning of their New Year.

The Whangārei Latin American Festival will bring the sights, sounds and flavours of Latin America right here to our doorstep, and is a perfect inclusion in our Puanga Matariki line-up of events.

This year’s festival features two unique performanc­e pieces —

kaipō , a contempora­ry dance at ONEONESIX, and Kōpū , a touring show at Forum North.

Many of the events this year are family friendly, free and accessible, so pick up a booklet from our council customer service centres, libraries, or go to our Whangarei District Council website www.wdc. or social channels and get ready to have a culturally exciting month. I’ll see you there.

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