The Northern Advocate

Doctors warn human health risks from plant

Medical experts say rubbish facility proposed for Kaipara poses disease threat

- Susan Botting LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.

Agroup of Canterbury doctors opposed to wasteto-energy ( WtE) plants is warning of major potential human health risks if one goes ahead in Kaipara.

The mooted Kaipara plant would be New Zealand’s biggest, burning about 730,000 tonnes of rubbish a year.

Almost all of the rubbish would come from Auckland.

Another, near the small south Canterbury town of Waimate, would be about half the size.

Waimate Doctors, representi­ng the town’s half dozen GPs, is to speak at an upcoming Environmen­t Court hearing opposing the constructi­on of a waste-to-energy plant about 15km from their settlement.

Group spokesman Dr Crispin Langston said the doctors had major concerns about the technology.

“The health impacts from Waimate are significan­t, but these would potentiall­y be dwarfed by those from the much bigger Kaipara plant.”

Waste-to-energy plant health concerns included around toxins such as dioxins, heavy metals and gases.

“Waste-to-energy plant technology has moved on, but it still produces large amounts of associated toxic discharges of things like dioxins.

“These issues affect even modern waste incinerato­rs and every year there are new deaths and disease directly linked to these plants.”

“Many of the toxic discharges are not listed, not recognised and do not yet have to be monitored.

“That does not mean no risk, simply that protective legislatio­n lags behind discoverie­s of harm.”

Kaipara Mayor Craig Jepson said in response the doctors were overstatin­g the health risks.

Jepson has just returned from Vietnam where he toured a newly

An artist’s impression of the proposed Waimate waste-to-energy plant. Something similar could end up being built in the Kaipara.

opened WtE plant in Hanoi.

He said WtE plants globally now had to meet strict EU emissions limits, and these were measured.

Jepson said when it came to dioxins, modern WtE plants destroyed rather than discharged them as toxic emissions.

He said the air discharged from French WtE plants was cleaner than the surroundin­g receiving air around the plant.

Langston disagreed that worries about major health risks such as dioxins were no longer of concern.

He said the Resource Management Act did not include a requiremen­t for health monitoring and many of the associated problems such as neurologic­al diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and cancers did not appear until 10 to 20 years down the track.

“Some conditions take years to develop, so it’s impossible to say it is safe straight away. Until proven otherwise it’s like blind overtaking — just not worth the risk.”

Ashburton-based South Island Resource Recovery Ltd (Sirrl) is working with councils on both proposed plants in Waimate and Kaipara.

The Vietnam WtE plant Jepson visited is run by Sirrl joint venture partner China Tianying Incorporat­ed (China) (CNTY). Jepson is working on the Kaipara plant with Sirrl.

Kaipara Mayor Craig Jepson said in response the doctors were overcookin­g the technology’s health risks.

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