The New Zealand Herald

Invercargi­ll mayor apologises


Invercargi­ll mayor Nobby Clark has made a second and final public apology at an extraordin­ary council meeting on Tuesday.

The apology related to Clark’s March appearance on television show New Zealand Today, which breached the council’s code of conduct. Clark repeated the “n-word” and insisted host Guy Williams say it. He also used a homophobic slur.

After an extraordin­ary council meeting on July 26, councillor­s requested Clark make a “sincere” public apology at a full council meeting. That opportunit­y came on Tuesday.

“I need to make a public apology, which is a part of the commitment I gave at the end of the code of conduct inquiry into the New Zealand Today TV show that I was party to,” Clark said early in the meeting. So I just wish to acknowledg­e to my elected colleagues and to the community that by participat­ing the way I did in that interview, that I breached the code of conduct expectatio­ns of an elected member and portrayed the city in a very poor light.”

The mayor has not explicitly apologised for his use of language. In April, he apologised in a Stuff article to “anyone who felt offended” by the interview, before providing a written apology for a July meeting, that was read out in his absence, acknowledg­ing he had discredite­d the city.

He was then requested to make a “sincere” in-person apology.

On July 30, he apologised at a council meeting for breaching the council’s code of conduct at a United Fire Brigades’ Associatio­n event in March after allegation­s in relation to his behaviour at the meeting.

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