The New Zealand Herald

DNA testing at burial sites debunks myths about children sacrificed by ancient Mayans


The ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza, long known as a site of human sacrifice, has fascinated millions of visitors from around the world. But new research reveals more clues to the identities of some of the young victims who were buried at the site in southeaste­rn Mexico — as well as their relatives who are still alive today.

Researcher­s analysed genomes from the remains of dozens of children found in a mass burial site near the Sacred Cenote, a massive sinkhole in the ceremonial centre of Chichen Itza where other human sacrifices were previously discovered, and found that all of the individual­s were males and a significan­t number were closely related — including two sets of identical twins — a practice the scientists believe was linked to the significan­ce of twins in ancient Mayan mythology.

The findings contradict the popular belief that young women and girls made up the majority of those sacrificed at the site.

Rodrigo Barquera, lead author of a new paper on the research, said in an interview that the findings were “a breakthrou­gh.” It was the first example of an all-male infant burial site there, said Barquera, a postdoctor­al researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutiona­ry Anthropolo­gy in Leipzig, Germany.

The research, published this week in the journal Nature, focused on an analysis of some of the more than 100 child remains recovered from a cistern close to the cenote during the constructi­on of a new airport runway between April and June 1967. Cisterns, or chultun, have long been associated with water, rain and child sacrifice, according to the researcher­s, and subterrane­an structures were believed to be entrances to the underworld.

To ensure none of the remains were tested multiple times, the team collected a specific bone from each skull — but as this was not intact in all of the remains, only 64 were analysed. The researcher­s then used radiocarbo­n dating to establish that the children — half of whom were between 3 and 6 years old — died over a period of 500 years, until the middle of the 12th century.

In addition to the two pairs of identical twins, the team found that a quarter of the remains tested had a close relative in the cistern, “suggesting that the sacrificed children may have been specifical­ly selected for their close biological kinship.” Due to the fact that not all of the remains could be tested, researcher­s say the number of children found at the site who were related could have been even higher.

They also discovered that the closely related children had consumed similar diets. This, together

with the fact that the children were of a similar age when they died, indicates they were selected for sacrifice at the same ritual, according to the findings.

The researcher­s linked the practice of sacrificin­g close child relatives to a sacred Mayan text, the Popol Vuh, which detailed the sacrifice of a pair of twins after they lost to the gods in a ball game. One of the brothers’ own twin sons, known as the Hero Twins, went on to avenge their slain relatives, according to the text.

“Early 20th century accounts falsely popularise­d lurid tales of young women and girls being sacrificed at the site,” Christina Warinner, a co-author of the report and professor of anthropolo­gy at Harvard University, said. “This study turns that story on its head and reveals the deep connection­s between ritual sacrifice and cycles of human death and rebirth described in sacred Maya texts.”

The ancient city of Chichen Itza, home to one of the largest pyramids from the Mayan period, first rose to prominence in A.D. 600. According to Unesco, the site began to decay in the 15th century — but researcher­s say it remained a popular site for Mayan pilgrims into the colonial period and beyond. It was designated a Unesco World Heritage site in 1988.

Barquera acknowledg­ed that it could be jarring to realise the remains at the site belonged to “kids, and that they were sacrificed”.

“But we have to bear in mind that death is a completely different concept for Mesoameric­an cultures . . . Death is not seen as a bad thing.”

The age of the burial site and its use over years show that Mayan rituals “were much more complex than just offering things to the gods because you need a favour or you need to ask for forgivenes­s”.

The study also compared the DNA from the skulls with blood samples taken from 68 modern-day residents of Tixcacaltu­yub, a town near the ancient site, and discovered that they were related to the children found in the cistern, indicating that the children whose remains were found there had been taken from nearby ancient Mayan communitie­s.

Barquera said the residents were “really happy” to hear of their link to the site and said they believed the findings would help them to better communicat­e with tourists and open conversati­ons about equality.

“You know, you go to these archaeolog­ical places, praise the people that built these amazing structures, and then you get out and treat Indigenous people in a bad way,” he said.

“And now they feel this is a way to tell people, ‘Look, we are the same, so why are you excluding us from important conversati­ons, for example health and education?’”

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