The New Zealand Herald

Finding Italy’s best secret spots

Weka Travel’s Josh Loughnan shares some of his favourite off-the-beaten-track experience­s in Italy


Travelling through the painterly landscapes, coastal towns and sun-kissed stone villages of Italy is a life-affirming, illuminati­ng experience. But how to navigate it without the crowds and find the hidden gems? Travel expert and former resident Josh Loughnan, founder of Weka Travel, has some top tips.


Cicchetti – it’s a word to savour. Beloved by Venetians, cicchetti are small plates using fresh seasonal ingredient­s – think squid and fish, breads, polenta, aubergine, cheeses, ham, or figs. Classics include mortadella sausage, baccalà mantecato (creamed salt cod) or sarde in saor (sardines in sweet and sour sauce). You can find these local delicacies in bacari, or backstreet taverns. Best enjoyed standing, alongside the locals, while you sip an ombra – a small glass of local vino.


Wine connoisseu­rs rejoice – each September in an ancient city southeast of Rome is the Sagra dell’Uva – a festival celebratin­g the grape harvest, with wine, food and dancing, which takes over the city for four days a year. The best bit? You can eat as many free grapes as you wish, and the city’s fountains literally flow with free wine for the duration of the festival. Saluti!


If you want the beauty of Lake Como without the crowds, then Lake Maggiore is idyllic. Its pristine water is surrounded by palazzi and villas, lush forest walks and views of the towering Alps. Dine on Isola dei Pescatori, or Fisherman’s Island, where you can choose from the day’s fresh catch served in the trattorie and ristoranti which line the cobbled lanes.

For more informatio­n or to book your holiday visit

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