The New Zealand Herald

Child retires as third most capped female Black Stick


Sam Child has retired after a 14-year internatio­nal hockey career that encompasse­d 277 appearance­s for the Black Sticks, the third-highest total among New Zealand women.

Child (nee Charlton) played her last game in a 2-1 defeat to Chile in the third-place playoff at the FIH Nations Cup in Spain yesterday.

Making her debut against Australia as a teenager in 2010, Child brought strong game intelligen­ce and awareness to the Black Sticks, with her skills as an effective communicat­or helping her become a world-class master of defensive and counter control.

Child represente­d New Zealand at the 2012 London, 2016 Rio and 2021 Tokyo Olympics, and was part of the team that won Commonweal­th Games gold in 2018 and bronze in 2014.

The 32-year-old said her decision to retire was difficult.

“This team has given lots to my life over the last 14 years and I’m not sure I’ll ever feel like I’ve given enough back,” Child said. “That’s what kind of drove me to play a couple more games [after the failed Olympic qualifiers]. I really wanted to be part of helping the team drive forward after such a big loss earlier in the year.

“I’ve been really privileged to have so many highlights along the way. One of my most memorable would have to be winning [Commonweal­th Games] gold in the Gold Coast but also definitely the Olympic Games, where we came fourth in London and Rio.

“I’m also incredibly grateful for all the people who’ve helped me on my journey, in particular everyone in the Black Sticks for their support in my transition back into hockey after having my twins.”

Former teammate Rose Keddell said Child was one of the greatest players to wear the black singlet.

“Sam is the most dedicated, inspiring, hard-working athlete I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing alongside,” Keddell said. “She’s an inspiratio­nal leader injecting profession­alism into everything she does.

“She was the player and person I looked up to in the team. You knew you’d be on the right path if you followed in her footsteps and I’m forever grateful to Sam for leading the way — a truly incredible player and friend who ends her career as one of the greats.”

Hockey New Zealand chief executive Anthony Crummy noted Child’s legacy.

“I know Sam has been an inspiratio­n for many, whether it’s through her interactio­ns with young players at club level, the school visits she’s done as an Olympian, or how she’s conducted herself on the world stage,” Crummy said. “Sam will be hugely missed by her teammates and the Black Sticks whānau.

“It’s highly commendabl­e to come back after such a disappoint­ment to help bring the next generation through and that’s a testament to her character. We wish her, [husband] Marcus [Child, also a former Black Stick] and their boys all the best.”

Child said she was ready for more family time.

“I’m excited to spend some really quality time with my boys away from the hockey turf.”

● The men’s Black Sticks won their Nations Cup final in Poland yesterday, beating France 4-3 in a shootout after the match finished 1-1.

 ?? Photo / Photosport ?? Sam Child played the last of her 277 internatio­nals yesterday.
Photo / Photosport Sam Child played the last of her 277 internatio­nals yesterday.

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