The New Zealand Herald

Centrist Gantz quits Israel’s war Cabinet


Benny Gantz, a centrist member of Israel’s three-man war Cabinet, announced his resignatio­n yesterday, accusing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of mismanagin­g the war effort and putting his own “political survival” over the country’s security.

The move does not immediatel­y pose a threat to Netanyahu, but the Israeli leader becomes more heavily reliant on far-right allies who oppose the latest US-backed ceasefire proposal and want to continue the war.

“Unfortunat­ely, Netanyahu is preventing us from achieving true victory, which is the justificat­ion for the painful and ongoing price,” Gantz said. He added that Netanyahu was “making empty promises,” and the country needs to take a different direction as he expects the fighting to continue for years to come.

The popular former military chief joined Netanyahu’s Government shortly after the Hamas attack in a show of unity. His presence also boosted Israel’s credibilit­y with its internatio­nal partners. Gantz has good relations with US officials.

He previously said he would leave the Government by June 8 if Netanyahu did not formulate a new plan for post-war Gaza.

He scrapped a planned news conference on Saturday night after four Israeli hostages were dramatical­ly rescued from Gaza earlier in the day. At least 274 Palestinia­ns, including children, were killed in the assault, Gaza health officials said.

Gantz called for Israel to hold elections next autumn and encouraged the third member of the war Cabinet, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, to “do the right thing” and resign from the Government as well. Gallant has previously said he would resign if Israel chose to reoccupy Gaza, and encouraged the Government to make plans for a Palestinia­n administra­tion.

Netanyahu had urged Gantz on Saturday not to leave the emergency war-time government.

“This is the time for unity, not for division,” he said.

Gantz’s decision to leave is largely “a symbolic move” due to his frustratio­n with Netanyahu, Gideon Rahat, chairman of the political science department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem said.

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