The New Zealand Herald

Ban on oil and gas exploratio­n to be lifted


The Government will reverse a ban on oil and gas exploratio­n, Minister for Resources Shane Jones confirmed yesterday.

He said New Zealand’s natural gas reserves were declining and sustainabl­e sources like wind, solar and hydro were too inconsiste­nt. “Natural gas is critical to keeping our lights on and our economy running, especially during peak electricit­y demand and when generation dips because of more intermitte­nt sources like wind, solar and hydro.”

On Saturday, thousands of people brought downtown Auckland to a standstill as they challenged the coalition Government’s Fast-track Approvals Bill which is designed to speed up the consent process for major infrastruc­ture projects. One speaker at the March for Nature protest estimated the crowd at 20,000. The demonstrat­ors filled Queen St across in a line running from Aotea Square almost to the waterfront as they marched.

Offshore petroleum exploratio­n was banned in 2018, but Jones said that restrictio­n would be removed as part of a suite of proposed amendments to the Crown Minerals Act.

“When the exploratio­n ban was introduced by the previous Government in 2018, it not only halted the exploratio­n needed to identify new sources, but it also shrank investment in further developmen­t of our known gas fields which sustain our current levels of use. Without this investment, we are now in a situation where our annual natural gas production is expected to peak this year and undergo a sustained decline, meaning we have a security-of-supply issue barrelling towards us.”

He said the act would also be amended to make it easier for companies to get permission for oil exploratio­n. “Some of our current settings are a barrier to attracting investment in exploratio­n and production because they are overly costly and onerous on industry. Some obligation­s lack necessary flexibilit­y, and compliance obligation­s are uncertain and unclear.”

The reversal was signalled in the Government’s coalition agreement and faces strong opposition from environmen­tal groups. Other changes planned include “introducin­g a new tier of mineral permitting that will make it easier for people to undertake small-scale noncommerc­ial gold mining activity” and “reintroduc­ing the term ‘promote’ into the purpose statement of the act, giving the Government the mandate to actively promote prospectin­g, exploratio­n and mining of minerals”.

The bill to enact the changes would be introduced in the second half of 2024, Jones said.

Coalition partner Act’s energy spokesman Simon Court said the ban had been “a publicity stunt”, adding that “taking full advantage of the resources at our disposal will allow us to get electricit­y prices under control, ease the cost-of-living crisis for the families who are struggling most and grow the economy with internatio­nal investment.”

The Green Party said lifting the ban was a severe step backwards that would have serious consequenc­es. “The Government is tipping oil and gas onto the climate crisis fire, lining the pockets of fossil fuel companies, while everyone else will pick up the bill,” Green Party co-leader Chloe Swarbrick said.

New Zealand could have a more sustainabl­e and efficient economy by prioritisi­ng clean energy that works with the environmen­t and not against it. “The science is clear that fossil fuels must stay in the ground to limit global warming within 1.5C of warming. This Government’s actions are antiscienc­e and show a flagrant disregard for internatio­nal climate commitment­s, which could lead to huge costs down the line.”

 ?? Photo / Sylvie Whinray ?? Thousands of people protested against the Government’s Fast-Track Approvals Bill in Auckland.
Photo / Sylvie Whinray Thousands of people protested against the Government’s Fast-Track Approvals Bill in Auckland.
 ?? ?? Shane Jones
Shane Jones

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