The New Zealand Herald

Reunion for an un-Bourne movie

Director Doug Liman and star Matt Damon team up with the Affleck brothers in a ‘throwback’ heist, writes Lindsey Bahr


Film-maker Doug Liman realised quickly he wasn’t on his home turf anymore. Matt Damon, who he’d directed in The Bourne Identity more than 20 years ago, had recruited Liman for his new movie The Instigator­s, an action-comedy about a heist gone wrong.

Though two decades of friendship is nothing to scoff at, here Liman was coming to Boston to work with Damon and the Affleck brothers, Casey and Ben, whose roots were twice as deep. “I was suddenly being parachuted into someone else’s family,” Liman said. “Every family’s crazy. And I loved it. I loved everything about it.

“In a way, I was back to the days of making independen­t movies where we couldn’t get the attention of anybody in the industry so you’re just doing it on your own with your friends. It’s my favourite kind of filmmaking.”

The Instigator­s, an Apple TV+ release is a kind “throwback” movie, in the vein of Midnight Run, producer Kevin Walsh said.

Written by Casey Affleck and Chuck McLean, Damon plays a desperate father, Rory, and Affleck is Cobby, a small-time criminal, who team up to rob a corrupt politician.

It goes poorly and they find themselves on the run, with Rory’s therapist (Hong Chau) in tow.

Liman was excited to direct Damon again for the first time since Bourne, and in a role that’s so different from Jason Bourne, who was essentiall­y a hyper-competent superhero.

“You’ve never seen a character like this in a heist movie,” he said.

“This is a guy who doesn’t speed. “He’s done everything in his life sort of by the books and this is the first time he’s going to break the rules.”

And while it was Liman’s first time working with Affleck, playing a guy who’s “never got his act together”, he said he’s quickly become his favourite actor.

The Instigator­s was a largely free and creative environmen­t, where everyone was chiming in on the script, including Damon and Ben Affleck, and working to make things better. He said he hadn’t had that sort of experience huddling with his stars and brainstorm­ing the script as they went since Swingers.

And it was a stark contrast to their days on Bourne, Liman said, where there were all these “adults in the room telling us how the movie is supposed to be made”.

“We obviously didn’t listen to them and that’s why Bourne is as good as it is,” Liman said. “But here, we were like ‘holy — , we’re the adults in the room. How did that happen?”

He praised the model of Artists Equity, Damon and Ben Affleck’s production company, for getting rid of many of the costly excesses in filmmaking. But, he laughed, “It really feels like the inmates are running the asylum.”

The filmmakers really used Boston as well, shutting down streets and tunnels for the chase sequences.

“We did a stunt that’s along the Esplanade that runs along the Charles River, which they’ve never shut down,” Walsh said. “We did some stuff that you’ll never see in other films. It was challengin­g but really cool.”

The Instigator­s was made in partnershi­p with Apple TV+, which will give the film a limited theatrical run.

Liman recently criticised Amazon/ MGM for not giving his Road House

reboot a theatrical release.

But he’s not anti-streaming. He credits his entire career to home video, where most people saw Swingers.

He laughed that it would even be absurd to put Swingers up on a giant screen “given how shoddy the technical work on the film was”.

His main concern, he said, was that the company is “in sync with the agenda of the film-maker”.

“It’s not so much about whether you’re streaming or theatrical.

“It’s about what’s the agenda of the company? Apple is a premium brand. They want to make aspiration­al movies because it’s in sync with their brand,” he said.

“For a film-maker like myself who wants to make smart commercial movies that are fun and glossy and, in the case of The Instigator­s, don’t take themselves seriously, it was a really great collaborat­ion with a company.”

I was suddenly being parachuted into someone else’s family. Every family’s crazy. And I loved it. I loved everything about it.

Doug Liman

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 ?? Photos / AP ?? Top, from left: Hong Chau, Casey Affleck and Matt Damon in The Instigator­s; above: Affleck, director Doug Liman, and Matt Damon on set.
Photos / AP Top, from left: Hong Chau, Casey Affleck and Matt Damon in The Instigator­s; above: Affleck, director Doug Liman, and Matt Damon on set.

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