The New Zealand Herald

Voting in Pakistan sparks new wave of political violence


Bombs ripped through two separate political offices in southweste­rn Pakistan yesterday, killing at least 30 people, officials said, a day before the country was set to elect a new parliament.

The attacks in Baluchista­n province — home to a low-level insurgency and various militant groups — have raised concerns ahead of the balloting in the troubled Western ally where many voters are already disillusio­ned by political feuding and a seemingly intractabl­e economic crisis.

Violence ahead of elections and on the day of polling is common in Pakistan, which has struggled to rein in militancy. Tens of thousands of police and paramilita­ry forces have been deployed across the country following a recent surge in attacks, especially in Baluchista­n. Hours later, the Islamic State group’s branch in Pakistan claimed yesterday’s second attack.

At least 18 people were killed in the first attack at independen­t candidate Asfandyar Khan’s election office, a government official, said.

Shortly after, another bombing killed at least 12 people at the Jamiat Ulema Islam party office in Qilla Saifullah, about 130 kilometres away.

The attacks, which left more than two dozen people wounded, drew condemnati­on from almost all political parties.

Later, police official Arfan Bahadur said a man prematurel­y detonated a hand grenade in the southern port city of Karachi, killing himself and two passers-by. He said it was not clear how the man got hold of the grenade.

Jamiat Ulema Islam — a leading radical Islamist party that has close ties with Afghanista­n’s Taliban — has been attacked by the Islamic State group and other militants in recent years.

At least 54 people were killed in July when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a party rally.

An Afghan branch of the Islamic State group claimed that attack.

Party president Fazlur Rehman and scores of candidates from the party are contesting the elections throughout the country.

Baluchista­n, a gas-rich province on the border with Afghanista­n and Iran, has been the scene of an insurgency for more than two decades by Baluch nationalis­ts who are seeking independen­ce.

The nationalis­ts typically attack security forces — not civilian or political targets in the province.

The outlawed Baluchista­n Liberation Army has been behind multiple attacks on security forces.

The Pakistani Taliban, along with other militant groups, also have a strong presence in Baluchista­n and have targeted civilians in recent years, though the Pakistani Taliban pledged not to attack election rallies ahead of the vote.

Abdullah Khan, an analyst at the Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies, said more violence could not be ruled out on election day.

 ?? Photo / AP ?? Rescuers help a man hurt in a bomb blast in Qilla Saifullah district.
Photo / AP Rescuers help a man hurt in a bomb blast in Qilla Saifullah district.

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