The New Zealand Herald

Nurse labels critic ‘Nazi scumbag liar’ after complaint about anti-vax post

- Natalie Akoorie

A nurse with influence over her community posted anti-vax comments on Facebook during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic and described a person who complained as a “Nazi scumbag liar”.

Denise Georgina Perkins told a profession­al conduct committee she believed what she was writing during Covid vaccine mandates in 2021 was backed by science.

But the Health Practition­ers Disciplina­ry Tribunal yesterday found her guilty of profession­al misconduct for behaviour it described as malpractic­e bringing discredit to the nursing profession.

Perkins, the wife of the late House of Shem lead singer Carl Perkins, was a registered nurse at Ruapehu Health Ltd in Raetihi in November 2021 when she posted anti-vaccinatio­n and anti-government sentiment on her public Facebook page which had 7500 followers.

Two complaints were made to the Health and Disability Commission­er, who referred them to the Nursing Council of New Zealand — after which Perkins posted that the complainan­ts had done her a favour.

“Whoever you are take this back to the teacher of the nurses council I honestly don’t give a @#%& . . . whoever you are GO TO HELL!!!”

In comments on a post showing the complaint, Perkins wrote that “she’s actually removed herself from my Facebook little NAZI scumbag liar that she is but as I said she’ll keep!!!”.

When questioned by the committee, Perkins said she stood by her comments and did not regret doing so, that she had researched it and had backing, and felt she and other nurses had unfairly lost their jobs.

Perkins did not attend the tribunal hearing yesterday but told the conduct committee she would continue to stand her ground and, although she was not anti-government, she believed what she had written was backed by science and research.

She had chosen not to be vaccinated after almost dying from a flu jab four years ago and did not agree with being vaccinated against her will. She was no longer a registered nurse, describing herself as a digital creator.

The committee ordered a 12-month suspension and censure, and on returning to nursing Perkins must disclose the decision to employers, and do a course on profession­al ethics and cultural safety. Costs of $8000 were awarded against her.

Whoever you are take this back to the teacher of the nurses council I honestly don’t give a @# %&... Denise Georgina Perkins

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