The New Zealand Herald

Surprise win marks boxer’s resilience and return to top

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In a surprising turn of events, Joseph Parker claimed victory over Deontay Wilder in Riyadh, marking a significan­t milestone in his career. The unanimous-decision win at “The Day of Reckoning” not only showcased Parker’s resilience and determinat­ion, but brought him the WBC Internatio­nal and WBO Interconti­nental belts, along with a substantia­l purse of about $10 million.

Parker’s journey to this triumph has been riddled with challenges. Only a few months ago, not many would have predicted such a victory, considerin­g his struggles in the ring. Reflecting on where he stood a year ago, defeated by Joe Joyce and facing uncertaint­ies about his future in the sport, Parker’s resurgence is nothing short of remarkable.

The 12 dominant rounds that led to his unanimous win were a testament to Parker’s will and determinat­ion. The judges’ scorecards of 118-111, 118-110, and 120-108 mirrored the evident control Parker had throughout the match. This victory, coupled with his 2016 world title win, has instantly catapulted him back into the heavyweigh­t spotlight, setting the stage for another potentiall­y lucrative payday in 2024.

To put Parker’s achievemen­t in perspectiv­e, only months ago he was fighting in Melbourne against an opponent without a Wikipedia page. The former world champion had been striving to reclaim his status among the elite, a goal that seemed elusive until the Wilder fight materialis­ed unexpected­ly.

One critical factor in Parker’s success was Deontay Wilder’s ring rust. The 38-year-old from Alabama, having fought only once in the past two years, appeared disinteres­ted in the initial rounds. Parker, executing trainer Andy Lee’s strategic plan, capitalise­d on this advantage and skilfully denied Wilder the opportunit­y to unleash his renowned knockout power.

The defining moment came late in the match when Parker delivered a powerful overhand right, snapping Wilder’s head sideways. The look of resignatio­n on Wilder’s face signalled the end of any hope for a comeback. Parker’s victory secured his place back in the heavyweigh­t main event.

As speculatio­ns arise about Parker potentiall­y taking Wilder’s spot in future match-ups, the unpredicta­ble nature of boxing comes into play. While headlines had initially suggested a March showdown between Wilder and Anthony Joshua, Parker’s resurgence introduces an element of uncertaint­y. The determinin­g factor, as always in boxing, will be financial appeal of the match-ups.

Regardless of what lies ahead, Parker’s value in the boxing world has undoubtedl­y skyrockete­d. Contrary to expectatio­ns, he showcased not only resilience, but a strategic prowess that can pose a challenge to any opponent. In a sport where fortunes can change in an instant, Parker’s career has defied the odds, proving that with a bit of luck and an immense amount of hard work, a triumphant return from the brink of obscurity is indeed possible.

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