Taranaki Daily News

Former All Black Conrad Smith turning his hand to refereeing

- Will Johnston

Curiosity is what has driven former All Black Conrad Smith to take up the whistle.

Now living in New Plymouth after Covid forced him and his family out of France, the 94-test All Black has taken up refereeing this season.

So far, he has controlled a combinatio­n of schoolboy and women’s rugby in Taranaki’s competitio­ns.

During his playing days, which also included 52 matches for French club Pau between 2015 and 2018, Smith says he’s always had an interest in how the laws can influence the way the game is played and the consequenc­es of changing them.

But he hasn’t had much interest in holding a whistle himself, until this year.

Through his role at World Rugby working with internatio­nal players, Smith has dealings with match officials and their managers, and the laws of the game are often talking points. “Conversati­ons naturally lead to discussion around how challengin­g laws are to actually apply, so I thought I’d give it a try,” he said.

Smith is one of several former players who have taken up the whistle.

Glenn Jackson had a successful career before turning to coaching, while former England sevens internatio­nal Warwick Lahmert controls premier matches locally.

Smith quickly realised the positives refereeing can have on people. “I’ve loved being involved in the game and watching some great footy.

“I’ve also been lucky that all the players have been very supportive, even when they haven’t agreed with my calls.”

His running lines are deceptive, which is what fans became accustomed to during his time as a player. His quick communicat­ion also promotes a fast, open game.

He admits it’s difficult to see what’s happening, especially behind play and refereeing provides a different perspectiv­e compared to watching it on television.

“Cameras give an amazing view of the game, but when you are on your feet, trying to follow the ball, then it’s incredibly hard,” Smith said.

Making sure he’s in a good position to follow the game and taking in as much informatio­n as possible are challenges, Smith admits.

While he doesn’t have any aspiration­s to referee at a high level, he likes the idea of contributi­ng to some “good, free-flowing rugby.” “I’ll only keep doing it while I enjoy it,” he said. “I don’t have the time to commit to it every week.”

Taranaki Rugby Referees Associatio­n chairman Lionel Shaw appreciate­s Smith’s contributi­on to refereeing and the game.

“To have someone of Conrad’s standing and mana within rugby, contributi­ng to the game and the referee cause within Taranaki is a huge boost to the refereeing ranks,” he said.

 ?? SCOTT SIFFLEET PHOTOGRAPH­Y ?? Former All Black Conrad Smith refereeing a women’s premier match in New Plymouth last Saturday.
SCOTT SIFFLEET PHOTOGRAPH­Y Former All Black Conrad Smith refereeing a women’s premier match in New Plymouth last Saturday.

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