Rotorua Daily Post

DCE happy to leave retirement questions hanging ahead of decider

- Colleen Edwards of

Daly Cherry-evans, currently playing some of the best rugby league of his career, has said thoughts of State of Origin retirement are far from his mind as Queensland focus on claiming this year’s series.

Having turned 35 in February this year, the Maroons captain has been repeatedly asked about his plans for the future, but true to form as one of the most experience­d players in the game, he is taking it one game at a time.

“I don’t make these decisions during the year. I do my best thinking in the off-season, but while I am in the thick of it I am just going to keep enjoying it,” Cherry-evans said.

“I love this job … I love everything that comes with it and I love playing for Queensland.

“Pretty much (I play each Origin game is if it’s my last). I have been doing that for nearly six years now. I got dropped and wasn’t playing well enough to keep a spot in this side. I earned my spot back and I have literally played every game like it is my last.

“I know I am getting old and retirement becomes a bit of a talking point, but I don’t have any special news for you and I am going to just keep enjoying it.

“I promise you, there won’t be an announceme­nt (after this game) … I will be sailing off into the sunset, people won’t know until the offseason.

“I won’t want any special treatment for that sort of stuff. I don’t need a fairytale to finish. For as long as I am good enough to hold a spot in this team, it will be very hard to pass up in the future.”

Having experience­d the highs and the lows of the Origin arena, Cherryevan­s said the whole team had taken stock of their performanc­e in Game Two, including coach Billy Slater, who is in charge for only his third series and has been subject to plenty of discussion.

However, the skipper said that Slater has “been himself” in camp and was determined to help the players produce improvemen­ts in their performanc­es.

“He has certainly come with a real determinat­ion to make sure that he does what he can to help us prepare well, so he takes his responsibi­lity for the loss,” Cherry-evans said.

“(And) as players, we certainly take our responsibi­lity.

“I really, really love being coached by Billy. He’s a fantastic person and the way he prepares us is top shelf, to be fair.

“He’s obviously really determined to help us get our training right and our minds right for the game.

“He’s done a great job. I think he can hold his head high.”

The 24-game veteran said those preparatio­ns had seen the intensity building before the must-win game at a sold out Suncorp Stadium.

“The whole week (in camp) we’ve been working really hard,” Cherryevan­s said.

“Throughout the week, you build up, the intensity builds, really narrow the focus and we’ve done that really well the last eight days.

“You have to learn from the last game, obviously the way we copped the loss down in Melbourne.

“There’s certainly a few things we had to focus on.

“I think the intensity has been there all series, but certainly a loss certainly sharpens you.”

 ?? ?? Daly Cherry-evans wants to fend off retirement talk.
Daly Cherry-evans wants to fend off retirement talk.

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