Rotorua Daily Post

Thousands expected at home and lifestyle show

- Fayzah Mohamed AUT journalism student

Thousands of people are expected to visit the Rotorua Home and Lifestyle Show at Rotorua’s Energy Events Centre this weekend.

About 11,000 visitors experience­d the Home and Lifestyle Show last year and NZME events marketing manager Louise Sawyer says they are expecting the same or more to come this year.

“This optimistic outlook is based on the show’s growing popularity and the engaging lineup of exhibitors and activities planned for this year,”

Sawyer said.

“We’re receiving some strong interest from Rotorua and Bay of Plenty people, with many great Kiwi businesses on board to showcase their products and services in the home and lifestyle space.”

More than 100 businesses would be either returning to the event or entirely new to the event.

Sawyer said many of the exhibitors were businesses from Rotorua and the Bay of Plenty region and they were “showing the best that Rotorua has to offer, and supporting the local economy”.

She said the variety of exhibitors would be a stand-out for this year’s show.

“You can expect to see some new innovative businesses, as well as your Rotorua favourites from previous years.

“The show places a strong emphasis on innovative and sustainabl­e home solutions, so this year will be appealing to environmen­tally-conscious visitors interested in the latest technologi­es and practices too, such as solar panels, and even e-bikes.

“Many exhibitors will offer special deals and discounts at this year’s show, along with exciting competitio­ns and giveaways, providing added value for attendees.”

A variety of prizes and giveaways will be up for grabs this weekend, with many exhibitors offering their own giveaways and also an opportunit­y from Oneroof Property and The Hits to have a utility bill paid for a month.

Visitors could also win a $2000 Resene Voucher and a Fiji Getaway for two which includes flights and a four-night cruise.

● The Rotorua Home and Lifestyle Show is on from today until Sunday, from 10am to 5pm (Sunday ends at 4pm), at the Rotorua Energy Centre. Door sales only — $6, children free.

 ?? Photo / NZME ?? Home shows are the perfect opportunit­y for those in business to put their particular product in front of a large crowd.
Photo / NZME Home shows are the perfect opportunit­y for those in business to put their particular product in front of a large crowd.

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