Rotorua Daily Post

Pipe issues delay centre opening

Specialist repairs mean facility unlikely to be fully operationa­l before the end of June


The opening of the refurbishe­d Rotorua Aquatic Centre has been delayed. The indoor facility was due to reopen early this month after closing in November 2022 for stage two of the centre’s $23.45 million refurbishm­ent, which included an upgrade to the indoor pool hall, reception and indoor changing room area.

The outdoor 50-metre pool and outdoor changing facilities were refurbishe­d in stage one, which cost $3.9m and finished in 2021.

In a statement yesterday, Rotorua Lakes Council said issues with some of the original buried pipework under both pools had been identified during inspection­s, adding a couple of additional weeks to the project timeline.

“Specialist contractor­s have been brought in to insert linings into the pipes, which will allow them to continue to supply water to the pools for years to come,” the statement said.

“Due to the complexity of re-lining buried pipes, it is not completely known how long the entire process will take but it is anticipate­d the indoor facility will now reopen in a staged approach.”

The council said contractor­s would complete the pipework relining of the leisure pool first so this, along with full changing room facilities, was now expected to open in early June with the main pool expected to open in late June.

Council group manager Infrastruc­ture and Environmen­t, Stavros Michael, said the indoor facility reopening had been highly anticipate­d by the community.

“We are excited to be able to reopen the facility again soon. The procuremen­t of project management and design work on Stage Three is also under way.

“Although this additional work will mean the opening is delayed by a couple of weeks, we want to ensure that we do it right to deliver a revitalise­d facility our community can be proud of.”

The council’s statement said: “Due to the nature of the project, the full extent of the pipework’s condition could not be understood until the indoor roof works and scaffoldin­g removal were completed in late February and retesting of pipework could be completed.”

“Further testing showed the existing pipework had degraded since original testing in 2022.

“Council reviewed several options to remediate the affected pipes, with pipework re-lining deemed the most practical, cost-effective approach that allows the pools to be reopened as soon as possible.”

The outdoor 50m heated pool remains open. Stage three of the project could include hydro slide, bomb pool and an improved cafe and gym but was dependent on future external funding and subject to final council decisions. — Supplied content

 ?? Photo / Rotorua Lakes Council ?? The Rotorua Aquatic Centre indoor facility was due to reopen early this month after closing in November 2022.
Photo / Rotorua Lakes Council The Rotorua Aquatic Centre indoor facility was due to reopen early this month after closing in November 2022.

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