Otago Daily Times

All Blacks were holding back


The result of the opening match of the All Black team — against Devon — was received with considerab­le surprise by local followers of the game. In 1905 the All Blacks defeated Devonshire by 55 points to 4 points, and I suppose we expected something nearer that number of points, and margin of victory, instead of 11 points to nil. We certainly have reason to feel disappoint­ed after reading the comment by Sporting Life on the match: “Few Devon men had put on a boot this season, so it is astounding that they compelled a thoroughly trained and perfectly organised combinatio­n to play such a game. In many ways the All Blacks were disappoint­ing. In others they fascinated. The forwards did not hook well, but possibly the 323 formation of their rivals was disconcert­ing. In attack, however, the All Black forwards are immense. They are all very fast in the loose, and they break away at great speed. Their height and strength in the lineouts make them formidable. The outside — Lucas and Svenson — and Dalley will contribute much to the success of the team. Their ability to give and take the reverse pass at full speed is extraordin­ary.” There seems to be something wrong with the English writer’s point of view seeing that the All Blacks only won by 11 points to nil. But that’s by the way. What particular­ly strikes one is the fact that

few of the Devon men had put on a football boot this season, and yet they could hold their own against the great All Black pack. This pack, without any exaggerati­on, should be, and is, equal to the internatio­nal strength of Britain or South Africa. That being so we can only come to the definite conclusion that they were not playing up to form or that there were too many “scrumshy” forwards selected on the day. The result should really have a good effect as it should show the New Zealanders are not going to have any walkovers. It should also demonstrat­e to the All Black selectors that they must stand on the back of any forwards who shirk the tight stuff. — by ‘Full Back’

 ?? ?? New Zealand keep possession with ease as a Devon player makes a valiant tackle. —
Otago Witness 4.11.1924
New Zealand keep possession with ease as a Devon player makes a valiant tackle. — Otago Witness 4.11.1924 COPIES OF PICTURE AVAILABLE FROM ODT FRONT OFFICE, LOWER STUART ST, OR WWW.ODTSHOP.CO.NZ

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