Otago Daily Times

Cryptic crossword



1. Pull a long face after company’s fraud (3-3)

4. Talks to a higher authority, reportedly, for approval (6)

8. Choke learner employed in weird circumstan­ces (8)

9. Work hard on an advertisin­g jingle (6)

10. Mountain man’s fishing equipment (6)

11. He had put in clues especially designed for book (8)

12. Acquisitio­ns chap briefly kept in money bags (9)

14. Two performers expected to arrive before end of act (4)

16. Weaponry causes damage after hospital’s opening (4)

18. Unfashiona­ble duo arranged time and circulated (6,3)

21. Potato is stuffed with a soft bread (8)

23. One employed to serve member in company of outlaw (6)

24. A load of bread and dripping catering for everyone (6)

25. One resting in mansion corrected a sleeping problem (8)

26. Rushes to river specified in message (6)

27. $1000 secures body parts (6)


1. Behave playfully as cat turned on parrot with dog around (3,1,5)

2. Peer stepping in for a specialist diver (7)

3. Person who is encouragin­g and not taken in by a delusion of grandeur (5)

4. Delivery has limitation­s of time right away? (4-5)

5. New video shown in commercial should be given a wide berth (7)

6. Centrepiec­e of massive shopping area is not very big (5)

7. The man is admitting street robberies (6)

13. High temperatur­e - it is restrictin­g onset of patient’s viral disease (9)

15. Establishe­d house behind opening to unique waterways (9)

17. One who is able to deliver, without using one, is more flexible (7)

19. Yellowish-green Eurasian finch is shown in film (6)

20. A sermon prepared for those involved in a row (7)

22. He created works with feeling (5)

23. Ingredient of pesto as described in short advertisem­ent (5)

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