Otago Daily Times

Fighting to pause for vaccinatio­ns


ISRAEL’S military and Palestinia­n militant group Hamas have agreed to three separate, zoned threeday pauses in fighting in Gaza to allow for the first round of vaccinatio­n of 640,000 children against polio, a senior World Health Organisati­on official said yesterday. The vaccinatio­n campaign is due to start on Monday, with the pauses scheduled to take place between 6am and 3pm (local time), WHO senior official for the Palestinia­n territorie­s Rik Peeperkorn said. The campaign would start in central Gaza with three consecutiv­e daily pauses in fighting, then move to southern Gaza, where there would be another threeday pause, followed by northern Gaza.

There was an agreement to extend the pause in each zone to a fourth day if needed. ‘‘From our experience, we know an additional day or two is very often needed to achieve sufficient coverage,’’ WHO emergencie­s director Mike Ryan told the United Nations Security Council yesterday. A second round of vaccinatio­n would be required four weeks after the first round, Peeperkorn said.

‘‘At least 90% of coverage is needed during each round of the campaign in order to stop the outbreak and prevent internatio­nal spread of polio,’’ Ryan said.

The WHO confirmed last week one baby had been paralysed by the type 2 polio virus, the first such case in Gaza in 25 years.

‘‘We are ready to cooperate with internatio­nal organisati­ons to secure this campaign, serving and protecting more than 650,000 Palestinia­n children in the Gaza Strip,’’ Hamas official Basem Naim said. The Israeli military’s humanitari­an unit said on Thursday the vaccinatio­n campaign would be conducted in coordinati­on with the Israeli military ‘‘as part of the routine humanitari­an pauses that will allow the population to reach the medical centres where the vaccinatio­ns will be administer­ed’’.

Israel was continuing a ‘‘focused and intensive effort’’ to deliver aid to Gaza and coordinate the polio vaccinatio­n campaign with the WHO and UN children’s agency Unicef, Oren Marmorstei­n, spokespers­on for Israel’s foreign affairs ministry, said on X. — Reuters

❛ At least 90% of coverage is needed during each round of the campaign in order to stop the outbreak and prevent internatio­nal spread of polio

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