Otago Daily Times

Trump says IVF costs will be covered if he is elected


REPUBLICAN presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump said yesterday he would require the government or insurance companies to pay for IVF fertility treatments if he was elected in November, a move likely aimed at appealing to women and suburban voters.

‘‘Government is going to pay for it, or we’re going to get or mandate your insurance company to pay for it,’’ he said. Trump did not elaborate on how his administra­tion would cover the cost of IVF treatments. Trump, who as president appointed three of the justices who made up the majority that ended constituti­onal protection for abortion, has said the matter is now to be decided by individual states.

Last week, he posted on his Truth Social account that his administra­tion would be ‘‘great for women and their reproducti­ve rights’’.

Trump caused confusion yesterday when he seemed to suggest in an interview with NBC News that he would vote in Florida this November in favour of an amendment to enshrine abortion rights in the state constituti­on and overturn a current sixweek abortion ban.

But his campaign quickly clarified his statement, saying he has yet to make up his mind about the amendment.

The US Army defended an Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) employee who was pushed aside during a visit by Trump, saying that she acted profession­ally and was being unfairly attacked.

On Tuesday Trump visited the cemetery and took part in a wreathlayi­ng ceremony honouring the 13 service members killed during the US withdrawal from Afghanista­n in


He also visited Section 60 of the cemetery, where federal law and Pentagon policies do not allow political activities. But videos were taken by Trump’s campaign and used in advertisem­ents.

‘‘An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside,’’ the Army statement said.

‘‘It is . . . unfortunat­e that the ANC employee and her profession­alism has been unfairly attacked.’’ — Reuters

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