Otago Daily Times

Ng¯apuhi leaders walk out in protest


NGĀ PUHI leaders have walked out of a meeting with Prime Minister Christophe­r Luxon in protest over coalition government policies.

Chairman Mane Tahere said the delegation would not sit in the room in silence with a government it said was running roughshod over Māori.

He said there was frustratio­n and dissatisfa­ction over the way the government was treating Māori.

Mr Tahere cited issues such as Māori wards, changes to the Oranga Tamariki Act, moves to overturn the seabed and foreshore judgement and the forthcomin­g Treaty Principles Bill. Mr Tahere said Ngāpuhi wanted to exclude the government from meetings until further notice.

Ngāpuhi will today lead a hikoi in Kaikohe calling for devolution of Oranga Tamariki resources to iwi to address the overrepres­entation of tamariki Māori in state care and is planning to hold a rally at Parliament on Monday.

The government ministers at the forum were Mr Luxon, Minister of Justice Paul Goldsmith, Minister of Māori Developmen­t Tama Potaka, Customs and Associate Health Minister Casey Costello, Climate Change Minister Simon Watts, Police Minister Mark Mitchell, Education Minister Erica Stanford, Social Developmen­t Minister Louise Upston and Environmen­t Minister Penny Simmonds.

Te Rū nanga o Ngāti Whātua is taking the government to court over its plans to overturn a judgement that lowered the threshold for recognisin­g customary rights to the forebed and seashore.

It was one of the government actions the Ngāpuhi leaders cited for their walkout. Mr Goldsmith wants to go back to how things were before the Court of Appeal decision, where Māori wanting customary marine title need to prove they have had continuous exclusive use and ownership of an area since 1840. Rūnanga cochairper­sons Rev John Marsden and Dame Rangimarie Naida Glavish say it is an abritary decision, and exposes the government’s contempt towards its Treaty partner.

In a statement, a spokespers­on for Mr Luxon called the meeting ‘‘positive, robust and honest dialogue’’.

‘‘The prime minister continues to welcome constructi­ve dialogue with iwi leaders and recognises the significan­t and positive contributi­on that iwi are making to our country.

‘‘The government is focused on turning around years of decline in Māori outcomes, particular­ly in health, education, employment and housing, overseen by the previous government.’’

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