Otago Daily Times

Lovells Flat dairy grazing


Situated in Lovells Flat, 17km to Balclutha, this dairy grazing property offers panoramic views of the surroundin­g farmland and

Lake Tuakitoto from various vantage points of the property.

The farm supports several dairy farms grazing heifers year-round, and cows during the winter months. Subdivided into 20 paddocks the property features a mix of flat to gentle rolling paddocks, ranging to some steeper paddocks with sidlings running into gullies. There are tracks and lanes allowing for access for livestock and vehicles.

Perched on an elevated site, the substantia­l four-bedroom home boasts 360-degree views towards the coast and across South Otago. This large modern double-glazed home includes four double bedrooms, an open-plan living area, kitchen and dining space, along with separate lounge.

The master bedroom boasts a walk-in wardrobe and ensuite, while the house also includes an office, laundry, and internal access to a double garage.

The living area opens onto a north-facing concrete patio which offers a welcoming indoor-outdoor flow. Heating is provided by diesel, supplement­ed by solar panels on the roof supplying hot water.

Farm improvemen­ts include a three-bay shed located beside the house, a threestand woolshed and covered yards, an array of hay and implement sheds along with a set of cattle yards, with a laneway coming off Lakeside Road running past the cattle yards and sheds.

PGG Wrightson Real Estate are pleased to present this 183.666 hectare property for sale with options being the total property, option two 180.266 hectares (STS), or option three, the four bedroom house, and three-bay shed on 3.5 hectares (STS).

 ?? ?? Large modern four bedroom home overlookin­g the property.
Large modern four bedroom home overlookin­g the property.
 ?? ?? Woolshed and central lane.
Woolshed and central lane.
 ?? ?? Large modern family home.
Large modern family home.
 ?? ?? Crop paddocks.
Crop paddocks.

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