Otago Daily Times

Drugs a factor in shooting, says coroner


AUCKLAND: A coroner says substance abuse played a role in Jerrim Toms’ declining mental health on the day he was killed by police.

Mr Toms was shot several times when he approached police while holding a machete in March 2018 on State Highway 1 in Pohuehue, Northland.

In a report of her findings, Judge Debra Bell made no recommenda­tions, but concluded that Mr Toms had been killed by two gunshot injuries to his chest.

Police had fired 12 shots and Mr Toms was struck by five: Two to his chest, another two to his hands, and one to his lower back.

Mr Toms was unable to be revived by police and other emergency staff.

Judge Bell said she had seen clear evidence Mr Toms was behaving in a threatenin­g way.

‘‘Despite numerous opportunit­ies given to him during the pursuit to comply with the law, Toms’ actions remained threatenin­g and dangerous,’’ she wrote.

‘‘I agree [with police] that Toms posed a serious risk to the public.’’

The shooting came after a lengthy pursuit in which Mr Toms’ vehicle was spiked three separate times.

After the second spiking, Mr Toms exited his car and hit the patrol car’s front passenger door and window before fleeing again.

Judge Bell acknowledg­ed that the incident was uncharacte­ristic for Mr Toms.

‘‘[He] is recalled by his family as a kindhearte­d and loving person,’’ she wrote.

Mr Toms was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2016 and had a history of substance abuse, including with cannabis and methamphet­amine.

Judge Bell said it was evident substance abuse had a negative impact on Toms’ mental state.

She accepted an earlier conclusion by the Independen­t Police Conduct Authority that a Taser, pepper spray or baton would have been unlikely to incapacita­te Mr Toms before he could attack the officers. — RNZ

 ?? ?? Jerrim Toms
Jerrim Toms

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