Otago Daily Times

Care urged as number of dental tourists increases

- JOHN LEWIS john.lewis@odt.co.nz

WE have all seen the disastrous results of people not doing their ‘‘homework’’ before having plastic surgery on overseas holidays.

A new University of Otagoled study shows the number of New Zealanders travelling overseas for dental procedures is increasing, and they need to be just as careful.

Lead author and university tourism department researcher Prof Brent Lovelock said the study interviewe­d 20 dental profession­als about their perception­s of the impact of outbound dental tourism on patients and practices.

‘‘Although the dentists in our study acknowledg­ed that much of the dental treatment received by New Zealanders overseas was of a high standard, they also encountere­d in their practices many Kiwis who have received substandar­d treatment abroad.’’

The study found cost was the main motivator for people to head overseas because the cost of living was increasing and Covid19 related travel restrictio­ns had been lifted.

‘‘So many people may be considerin­g combining overseas travel with dental treatment to hopefully make a saving.

‘‘However, they really need to do their homework first.

‘‘If you were visiting somewhere overseas and wanted to do a bungy jump, it’s likely that you would first check out the bungy company’s credential­s and accident record.

‘‘Likewise, dental tourists also need to do their due diligence.’’

It was important for people to find out as much informatio­n as possible about the procedure, and the dentist performing it — such as their qualificat­ions, experience and quality of their practice, Prof Lovelock said.

It was also vital patients booked enough time for the treatment, which might require multiple visits to the dentist.

‘‘And importantl­y, New Zealanders should share their dental records with their overseas dentist before travelling, and bring home the full record of their overseas treatment with them.

‘‘We found that most dentists are very willing to talk to their patients about the risks and benefits of travelling overseas for dental treatment.

‘‘It is much better to do this before travelling, rather than having difficult conversati­ons once they return with a posttreatm­ent problem.’’

Coauthor and University of Otago dental researcher Prof Karl Lyons said patients who went overseas for treatments were not covered by the same consumer protection­s as those who had procedures in New Zealand.

People who were not satisfied with their treatment or services locally could make a complaint to a range of authoritie­s who were not available to those who travelled abroad.

‘‘Overseas dental treatment can be costeffect­ive and of high quality, but problems can sometimes arise.

‘‘If there are complicati­ons with treatment received overseas, patients may find contacting the overseas dentist or practice difficult, and remediatio­n treatment, whether in New Zealand or overseas, may be expensive.’’

He encouraged people considerin­g dental tourism to plan well and involve their local dentist in the decisionma­king process.

 ?? PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES ?? Potential for bad bites . . . An increasing number of people are travelling overseas for dental procedures.
PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES Potential for bad bites . . . An increasing number of people are travelling overseas for dental procedures.

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