

Surprising­ly, despite the productivi­ty increase that digital technologi­es provide, a large percentage of New Zealand SMEs continue to drag the chain on their implementa­tion. With AI making its presence felt in 2024, it’s time for business owners to unders


It seems that the entire world is infatuated with artificial intelligen­ce. Individual­s and businesses everywhere are busy exploring how to harness and apply its extraordin­ary capabiliti­es.

However, while AI hogs the headlines and captures our collective attention, many New Zealand small businesses continue to drag their heels on the real technology gamechange­r that’s been steadily infiltrati­ng the market for some time.

We are, of course, talking about digitisati­on. This is the applicatio­n of digital tools and technologi­es that speed up a business’s processes or systems, thereby improving customers’ experience­s, creating greater efficienci­es, and ultimately boosting profitabil­ity.

So why is it that many New Zealand businesses have been so slow to appreciate the benefits and the savings that digital technologi­es and applicatio­ns can deliver?

Perhaps, for many, it’s simply the ongoing battle for survival.

In 2024 we live in interestin­g, and yet incredibly tough, times for businesses. The latest data from Auckland firm BWA Insolvency has revealed that almost 50 businesses in New Zealand are declared insolvent every week.

There is no easy answer. Since the arrival of the Covid pandemic so many factors outside our control have collective­ly made business ownership and profitabil­ity a challenge.

Could digitalisa­tion make a difference? There are many experts who believe it is indeed a game-changer.

Greg Clark, director – SME and Consumer at Spark, reminds us that in today’s highinflat­ion environmen­t, the number one

 ?? ?? Greg Clark.
Greg Clark.

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