New Zealand Listener

Puzzle No 1389


Clues across

1. A tense time ahead (6) 4. Surprising­ly aptly, tailless moggy can be unusual animal (8)

9. Leading hotspot in Cuban drink but bar ultimately lacking for Cuban dance (6) 10. Compel Oscar to be a

guerrilla (8)

12. Rover as yet unsettled.

Could be deported (10)

13. Wine that’s like tea,

reportedly (4)

15. Rather meaningles­s, but Barbie sends her kisses this way (5)

17. Order to stay home

to get basic training (9)

18. Without exception, workers

are in low spirits (5,4)

19. Cajole horse having a long

stretch outside (3,2)

21. Take a bow after plucking

crook duck (4)

22. Groups were disquieted by

sudden boost of energy (5,5) 25. Re-rent public transport to

return broken easel (8) 26. Sorry that possibly superfluou­s soups were taken away (6)

27. Men about town act as younger versions of themselves (8)

28. Dishy bridesmaid holds

a cross (6)

Clues down

1. Give up hard-earned cash but piece of cutlery not found inside (4,3)

2. Thanks to you, finally get

exercise and some colour (5) 3. Sensor fixed around her chest showed strong constituti­on (10)

5. Joel does it on the move,

being very flexible (5-7) 6. Troublesom­e when you’re without currency for a book (4)

7. Very severe remedial action


8. Poles in debt when weather

is wintry (7)

11. On sugar, you’ll be spaced

out unenergeti­cally (12) 14. Stand-in is subject of

scrutiny (10)

16. Back, groin in terrible shape. This could have fatal consequenc­es (4,5) 18. U-shaped constructi­on a warning of things to come (5-2)

20. Disgruntle­d at being

required to keep left (7) 23. Bring up ridiculous fee

involved in luxury car (5) 24. Careless brothers lose sort

of plant used in cooking (4)

 ?? ??

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