New Zealand Listener

Let the treachery begin

Everyday New Zealanders will duck and dive their way through the second season of The Traitors NZ.


Paul Henry returns as master of ceremonies for the second season of The Traitors NZ, explaining that, “Even though in my heart of hearts I just want to be retired … a little part of me would have died inside if someone else was asked to do it.” This season cleaves closer to the original internatio­nal format in that there are no celebritie­s in the new cast of 22.

Well, okay, 22-year-old actor Ben Porter was briefly in Shortland Street, Australian­based MMA fighter Janay Harding has a profession­al track record and 32-year-old Brittany Cunningham makes glamour-mum content for 430,000 TikTok followers, so let’s just say no commercial radio hosts.

Everyone else has a normal job. Actually, that’s not true, either. Mark Mockridge, 32, is a gamemaster who makes RPG (role-playing game) content and teaches strategy and tactics for social deduction games ( The Traitors is a social deduction game), Jackie Pope is a clairvoyan­t, Samoan Australian Joe Fa’agase is another content creator and 22-year-old Noel Calamas (New York/Invercargi­ll) is a writer, which is notoriousl­y not a real job. But there’s a marketing executive who’s also a wrestler, a data administra­tor who does children’s theatre and Terry from Invercargi­ll, a NZ Post account administra­tor who moonlights as a comedian. Mike the builder appears to be just a builder.

“I love that they’re all everyday New Zealanders and we say everyday New Zealanders like they’re somehow inferior to celebritie­s – of course they’re not,” says Henry in the publicity material for the show. “Your range of everyday New Zealanders are just as interestin­g, just as exciting, just as varied, just as dynamic as anyone else, but there aren’t preconcept­ions about them and they don’t have preconcept­ions about each other, so the audience will live this game with them in a much more realistic way.”

Fun fact: this season’s venue, Castle Claremont near Timaru, comes with its own chapel and spent much of last century as home to a silent order of Catholics.

The Traitors NZ, Three, Monday and Tuesdays, 7pm, from July 1; streaming ThreeNow

The audience will live this game with them in a much more realistic way.

 ?? ?? The Traitors NZ, Monday and Tuesday.
The Traitors NZ, Monday and Tuesday.

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