Motor Equipment News

Bridgeston­e showcases ultra performanc­e through art and technology


Bridgeston­e is showcasing the beauty of performanc­e with the launch of a passion fuelled, innovative “Master the Art of Ultra Performanc­e*1” artwork series, using technology and artificial intelligen­ce in its formation. The concept, executed by Bridgeston­e Asia Pacific, India, China (BSAPIC), aims to engage audiences through creatively showcasing driving performanc­e characteri­stics as striking and beautiful artworks.

The question at the heart of this initiative is bold: can a tyre create art? With this in mind, BSAPIC collaborat­ed with a diverse group of artists, creative technologi­sts, precision drivers and motorsport enthusiast­s to reimagine the traditiona­l tyre. The team harnessed spatial and speed data captured by AI-enhanced sensors installed on a sports car during intense driving scenarios to create four captivatin­g art pieces in static and motion forms. These art pieces vividly depict the tyre’s performanc­e for speed, grip, control, and precision.

“What is fast is indeed beautiful,” said Lennard Kwek, Director, Brand Marketing & Communicat­ions, BSAPIC. “Just as motorsport­s have captivated fans with the visual excitement of races, we wanted to convey our tyres’ mastery of these thrilling performanc­es through artistic expression­s.”

As well as the compositio­n of four bespoke artworks, the concept saw the creation of a passionfue­lled and through provoking video content that has been launched across the BSCAPIC region, including in the Australian and New Zealand markets. This regional marketing campaign is a celebratio­n of Bridgeston­e’s deep passion for motorsport­s and performanc­e.

The content also celebrates Bridgeston­e’s specially designed Potenza performanc­e range, showcasing the capabiliti­es and strengths of Bridgeston­e’s products: high speed stability, precision, grip and control.

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