Marlborough Weekly

Film director spurred on by streaming success


A Marlboroug­h made feature film has been picked up for worldwide distributi­on.

Northspur will be released for rent on iTunes, YouTube, Google Play and Amazon on 10 October worldwide.

The news comes as its creators get set to screen the film as part of the upcoming Top of the South Film Festival.

Director Aaron Falvey says it’s been a massive effort to achieve

Photo supplied. worldwide streaming distributi­on and proves there is continued internatio­nal appetite for locally made films.

“For everyone who worked on, funded or supported the film, it’s a huge achievemen­t to get a deal across the line and release the film for availabili­ty across the world, especially in Australia and New Zealand.

“When I went to the American Film Market in San Diego to promote the film, I had a 40-year industry veteran say that only one percent of aspiring filmmakers actually achieve worldwide distributi­on.

“After having it available on Air New Zealand flights with people asking when it will be available to watch at home, it’s great to finally have an answer.”

Northspur crew will be at the screening and take part in a public Question-and-Answer session. The popular festival is marking its 10-year milestone.

With the 11 October screening preceding the Film Festival in Marlboroug­h on the 12th, Aaron says that the breadth of local film talent will be highlighte­d to all attendees.

The success of the movie gives leverage for future projects, he explains.

“There’re many awesome local entries for the Film Festival from fantastic directors, cast and crew so it’s promising to be an incredible celebratio­n for its 10th anniversar­y.

“By having a movie filmed and primarily funded from little old Marlboroug­h streaming worldwide, we can now leverage that success for future projects.” And while Aaron is still celebratin­g Northspur’s new distributi­on, he’s just as excited that the next project to be filmed in Marlboroug­h – an action film named ‘Riverlands’ – already has concrete interest from internatio­nal film distributo­rs.

 ?? Photo: William Woodworth ?? Queen Charlotte College Building Academy students and business supporters celebrated the first academy’s house progress on Thursday.
Photo: William Woodworth Queen Charlotte College Building Academy students and business supporters celebrated the first academy’s house progress on Thursday.
 ?? ?? Aaron Falvey and Marshall Napier on the set of Northspur.
Aaron Falvey and Marshall Napier on the set of Northspur.
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