Marlborough Weekly

Family’s artistic talents make history


Four talented artists are joining forces for an upcoming exhibition –becoming the first family to showcase their art at the same time.

Donella Harris and her three daughters, Ashley Black, Nicole Harris and Adele Neal will show their work at the Marlboroug­h Art Society next month.

For the close-knit family, the show is a “full circle moment,” Adele explains.

“Feels like a full circle moment. We grew up attending mum’s art openings in our little black dresses, taking canapés around to the people enjoying the art.”

“Now my sisters and I get to stand with her to show our friends, family and the public what we can do.” While each artists uses a different medium to create their work, it is a shared interest which they are grateful to have, Donella says. “Staying connected with our daughters is important to my husband and me.”

“I always had art supplies available for the girls from a young age. I encouraged them to enter competitio­ns as they came up with their artworks to build resilience.” “Creating art brings people together with lots of laughs along the way.”

A regular exhibitor at the Marlboroug­h Art Society, Donella is delighted to be sharing the limelight with her daughters.

“The time and commitment from the artist are appreciate­d more when you try to create art yourself,” she says.

“We are lucky that Marlboroug­h Art Society facilitate workshops covering an array of mediums so people can experience creating art until they find what suits them best.”

Donella loves working with acrylics on canvas while Nicole prefers mixed medium as she loves texture and using highly pigmented intaglio inks. Adele has turned her artistic talents into a career as a sought-after tattoo artist and Ashley prefers working digitally. “Art was always my favourite subject at school and one of the topics that kept me interested in learning at college,” Nicole says.

“As a family unit it feels very special to have this opportunit­y to create an exhibition together.

“It allows us to connect on creative levels and celebrate one another as individual­s.”

Sharing a flair for the creative, means there is no shortage of help available when it comes to advice. It’s awesome to be able to ask a question to someone with fresh eyes, mostly ‘do you think this piece is finished’ as it’s easy to overwork pieces,” Donella smiles. Ashley started creating art at 12 years old. While she also loves watercolou­rs. Since the birth of 4-month-old Ava, she has turned to digital media.

“I currently prefer digital media at present its easier to do while holding my baby!

“My artwork is always changing – from working smoothly now to texturised art – it’s forever evolving. “Historical­ly I’ve always had my art online so looking forward having my work in a physical gallery.”

The family, who all live in Blenheim, see each other every week to catch up. All are looking forward to the upcoming exhibition. “I just used to love squiggling on anything I could decorate. That’s now turned into an art form of tattooing for me,” Adele says. “I love that I can take techniques and skills I’ve learn over the years from tattooing and apply them into my paintings.

“I think it’ll be great to share this experience as a family. We have mum to thank for bringing us together to make this all happen.” “Awakening” – A Captivatin­g Art Exhibition will be on at the Marlboroug­h Art Society from 28 September until 6 October. Admittance is free.

 ?? Photo: Paula Hulburt. ?? A family of artists, from left, Donella Harris, Fallon with mum Adele Neal, Ashley Black with daughter Ava and Nicole Harris at Picture Perfect Tattoo where Adel works.
Photo: Paula Hulburt. A family of artists, from left, Donella Harris, Fallon with mum Adele Neal, Ashley Black with daughter Ava and Nicole Harris at Picture Perfect Tattoo where Adel works.
 ?? Photo: William Woodworth ?? Eva Pemper with her 2022 Single Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc, officially chosen for the New Zealand Parliament Wine List.
Photo: William Woodworth Eva Pemper with her 2022 Single Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc, officially chosen for the New Zealand Parliament Wine List.
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