Marlborough Weekly

Community generosity leads to new playground


Anticipati­on was high for the opening of the new sensory playground at Blenheim School on Friday.

Pupils, children, teachers, parents and members of the community who helped the new initiative come to fruition watched on in high spirits.

Principal Kellyann Thorstense­n thanked those who made the dream playground a reality.

“We don’t take things for granted,” she smiled.

“I hope the laughter and smiles you see after the ribbon is cut shows just how grateful we are.” The playground was put up over Matariki weekend as community volunteers worked hard alongside builder Stan Scott. The new area includes swings, musical instrument­s and stepping stones.

Blenheim School’s Executive Assistant Angie Holdaway reached out to Mitre 10 about their Helping Hands project after reading about it online.

Mitre 10 staff were happy to help and plans were quickly underway. Owner David Hawtin joined in the celebratio­ns at the school to mark the special occasion.

The new play area will be hugely beneficial for the neurodiver­gent students at the school, Angie says as it will allow those who can’t usually play on their own more independen­ce.

Mum Renee Craw says her son Asher, who has autism, is excited about the opportunit­ies the playground brings.

“He is very excited for it. He doesn’t like people and the other playground can get crowded.” she says.

The turnout from the community to build the playground was amazing and the finished product even better, Renee says. Asher says he is most excited for the new swings and steppingst­ones.

The best praise came from the children themselves who swarmed the playground as soon as the ribbon was cut as the community watched their hard work pay off.

The school would like to especially thank to Mitre 10, Simcox Constructi­on, Rob Lyon Builders and Anzco for providing their help and expertise with the playground project.

 ?? Photo: Imogen Brophy ?? Principal Kellyann Thorstense­n, Medilowima Lousiale, Angie Holdaway, David Hawtin and Amy Darling from Mitre 10 Mega Marlboroug­h cut the ribbon.
Photo: Imogen Brophy Principal Kellyann Thorstense­n, Medilowima Lousiale, Angie Holdaway, David Hawtin and Amy Darling from Mitre 10 Mega Marlboroug­h cut the ribbon.

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