Manawatu Standard

Sport Manawatū to attempt ‘keepy-uppy’


Sport Manawatū wants to bag a world record, and it needs your help.

The regional sports body will attempt to set a new world record for the greatest number of people playing the game known as keepy uppy, in which players have to keep a balloon or ball off the ground for as long as possible.

The record attempt will be held at 1pm on Wednesday, October 30, to coincide with Play Week Aotearoa.

The attempt will most likely take place in the speedway pits at Palmerston North’s CET Arena. Anyone who was unable to attend could play the game at their school, home or workplace.

The existing world record, of 702 people playing for one minute with a minimum of one ball or balloon off the ground, was set in June in Queensland, Australia.

Sport Manawatū said it believed it could do more than better that.

“We’re encouragin­g early childhood centres, schools, tertiary institutio­ns, workplaces, retirement villages, pretty much the entire community across Palmerston North, the Manawatū, Horowhenua and Tararua districts to join in this epic challenge,” a Sport Manawatū statement said.

The aim was to get multiple balls and balloons all up in the air in unison.

The ball or balloon can’t touch the ground, and any body part can be used to keep it in the air.

People can be part of the world record attempt by signing up on the Sport Manawatū website.

Sport Manawatū was looking for sponsorshi­p to help cover the $17,000 needed for event costs, which would include getting people to the Arena.

Anyone willing to help can email info@sportmanaw­

Play Week is in its fourth year and runs from October 26 to November 1.

Balloons used for the record attempt would be biodegrada­ble.

 ?? WARWICK SMITH/MANAWATŪ STANDARD ?? Sport Manawatū will attempt to set a world record for the greatest number of people playing the game keepy uppy at the same time.
WARWICK SMITH/MANAWATŪ STANDARD Sport Manawatū will attempt to set a world record for the greatest number of people playing the game keepy uppy at the same time.

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