Manawatu Standard

Signs out to drive street racers away

- Janine Rankin

The signs are up in Palmerston North to kick street racing to the kerb.

Seven streets known as trouble spots where cars have gathered to do burnouts have been included in a council bylaw creating restrictio­ns on light vehicles gathering there between 10pm and 4am every night.

The signs have been installed following a bylaw change last year, and two weeks after 500 people took part in the “Levin invasion”.

Manawatū area police commander Ross Grantham said he was “incredibly concerned” about the danger street racing posed and by the aggressive and anti-social behaviour of pedestrian bystanders.

Palmerston North Mayor Grant Smith said the city’s restrictio­ns were one of the things the council could do to provide police with another tool for breaking up street racer parties. “We heard loud and clear from our community that they were sick of the dangerous behaviour and damage being caused over and over in these locations,” Smith said.

Not only were the gatherings intimidati­ng and dangerous for other road users, he said, but left ratepayers with the bills for cleaning up the mess left behind and fixing damage to the roads.

The streets included in the ban on cars, utes, and vans are Bennett St, Birch Way, El Prado Drive, Makomako Rd, Malden St, Valor Drive and Works Rd.

The restrictio­ns do not apply to people going about their legitimate business, including residents and their visitors, nor to taxis, emergency services and businesses, and other regular users could apply for an exemption from the council.

“This bylaw is not designed to hinder those simply going about their normal daily business,” Smith said. The penalties start at $150 for each infringeme­nt, with a maximum penalty on conviction of $1000.

 ?? WARWICK SMITH/MANAWATŪ STANDARD ?? El Prado Drive is one of the streets in Palmerston North where car gatherings would breach bylaw rules.
WARWICK SMITH/MANAWATŪ STANDARD El Prado Drive is one of the streets in Palmerston North where car gatherings would breach bylaw rules.

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