Manawatu Standard

It’s a team effort, says proud fire leader

- Alecia Rousseau

Lance Berry has been awarded the King’s Service Medal for his services to the Rongotea community and Fire and Emergency NZ.

The “natural leader” joined the Rongotea Fire Brigade almost 40 years ago after he was asked to head along.

He liked what he saw - specifical­ly that that job was one where you could help people.

With his wife’s support, and three boys later, Berry had risen through the ranks and he was now deputy fire chief.

“Running my own business I was a leader in that, so it was just sort of natural to switch over to being a leader there as well.”

He had created a family environmen­t within the brigade, and helped get the Rongotea Fireworks display off the ground.

What had started as a few families putting in $100 for a single whack of fireworks, had become an $8000 spend for a crowd of 5000.

Berry said he was incredibly proud of the event but stressed it was a team effort. “I know all the other firefighte­rs feel the same.”

The crew get together every Friday with their families for fish and chips, and he said the bond they shared was incredibly important.

Being from such a small town, they often went to callouts for people they knew.

“You become friends with the people you help ... yes it can be harder if you know them but we arrive as a team, discuss it as a team and work as a team.”

Berry had been passionate about sprucing up the rural village too, and was chair of the community committee that had led several projects including the upgrades of Douglas Square and the Waitohi Rd walkway.

He was a leader in the Te Kawau cubs and scouts, and establishe­d the tradition of both cubs and scouts marching in the annual Anzac parade.

He was also influentia­l in the building of the Te Kawau Memorial Centre in 1996.

Berry said he loved Rongotea and he couldn’t think of a better place to live.

He couldn’t believe he had been awarded the service medal and felt there were other more deserving people. “I do feel proud to have been chosen, it’s quite exciting.”

Two others in Fire and Emergency NZ were also recognised for their dedication to firefighti­ng, with Brian Carter from Bulls getting a King’s Service Medal for being the first member to reach 50 years’ service. Robert Webb from Taihape was also awarded the service medal for his service to the town’s brigade and his community.

 ?? WARWICK SMITH/ MANAWATU STANDARD ?? Lance Berry has been awarded the King’s Service Medal.
WARWICK SMITH/ MANAWATU STANDARD Lance Berry has been awarded the King’s Service Medal.

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