Deals on Wheels, CAM

Distinguis­hed scientist recognised in King’s Birthday Honours


Keith Jones, a distinguis­hed scientist at Callaghan Innovation, became a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to metrology in the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours.

The science of measuremen­t, metrology ensures accurate and consistent measuremen­ts that support Kiwi exporters and consumers by underpinni­ng regulatory compliance. It also supports technologi­cal innovation, helps to enhance product quality, and underpins scientific research, and in doing so drives economic growth and improves quality of life.

“I was humbled at the thought of the effort that some of my colleagues must have gone to but also really pleased to hear the news. It is not just my contributi­on that is being recognised; it is also a significan­t recognitio­n of all the good work that MSL does,” he says.

Keith joined the Measuremen­t Standards Laboratory (MSL) after graduating in 1979 with a master’s in physics from Auckland University and has served metrology in Aotearoa New Zealand and internatio­nally for over four decades with commitment and distinctio­n.

Keith says, “measuremen­t science underpins all science and is at the heart of the scientific process” which is why he has remained so passionate about his vocation since then.

Keith quickly made an impact by establishi­ng a national standard for capacitanc­e, the capability of a material object or device to store electric charge, to serve industry needs. An early internatio­nal collaborat­ion included work with internatio­nal metrology experts to confirm the material independen­ce of the quantum Hall effect, which laid the foundation for the applicatio­n of global quantum standards for electrical resistance measuremen­t.

Keith led the MSL Electrical Standards team for more than a decade, establishi­ng a reputation as a strategic thinker and technical expert with a deep understand­ing.

In 2000, he was appointed as chief metrologis­t and director of MSL. He went on to build the credibilit­y of MSL in New Zealand and globally after it gained ISO 17025 laboratory accreditat­ion, and after this country’s calibratio­n and measuremen­t capabiliti­es were recognised by the Internatio­nal Bureau of Weights and Measures.

MSL director Annette Koo says metrology here and around the world is better off for Keith’s service.

“His insight is underpinne­d by genuine respect and kindness towards others that lifts the thinking and the quality of delivery around him. MSL has keenly felt the benefit of his leadership in our laboratory — both formally as director and chief metrologis­t — and informally through his mentoring of other staff. All New Zealanders benefit from his work to ensure reliable and accurate electrical metering. ”

Keith is highly respected internatio­nally for his knowledge and expertise, particular­ly in the Asia-Pacific region, where he helped support various nations to develop national metrology systems and infrastruc­ture. As chair of the Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP), he championed internatio­nal recognitio­n of the measuremen­t quality processes in the region. During his tenure, the relationsh­ip between the APMP and the Internatio­nal Bureau of Weights and Measures was fostered and strengthen­ed, helping the region to develop a strong voice internatio­nally.

In 2008, he received the APMP recognitio­n award ‘In grateful recognitio­n of your dedicated service and devotion to the Asia/Pacific Metrology Programme’. Keith’s technical contributi­ons to the internatio­nal community have helped earn New Zealand membership of the Consultati­ve Committee for Electricit­y and Magnetism, the internatio­nal committee overseeing aspects of the electricit­y domain of the Metric Treaty.

Looking ahead Keith says scientific advances are making it much easier for people to access accurate measuremen­t informatio­n.

“Increased reliance on digital and even AI systems promise more efficient transmissi­on of calibratio­n informatio­n but will potentiall­y also complicate the auditing processes that confirm that the measuremen­t results can be trusted.

“In the future, businesses will need to have a good understand­ing of the new approaches that will be adopted internatio­nally. Exporters will likely face increasing­ly demanding measuremen­t requiremen­ts for the acceptance of products in valuable global markets.

“For businesses moving into genuinely new territory, say for example those looking to incorporat­e quantum effects in some way, it will be particular­ly important to look carefully at the quality infrastruc­ture they need in Aotearoa New Zealand to support their business.

Keith says he’s not concerned most consumers will continue to be largely unaware of the crucial role metrology has played in improving the quality of the products they purchase.

“I take my satisfacti­on from working with MSL colleagues and industry to improve measuremen­t capabiliti­es and industry competence. It is pleasing to see how our improvemen­ts in accuracy have fed through to industry for the benefit of consumers.”

 ?? ?? Keith Jones
Keith Jones

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