Deals on Wheels, CAM



In the world of rock crushing, finding equipment that offers both crushing efficiency and a lucrative return on investment is crucial. Sanland Equipment’s most successful offering, the Kumbee Hammermill, has been redesigned to meet the highest standards, standing out as an industry game-changer with what Sanland says is the lowest entry point in the market.

Fabricated and assembled at Sanland’s workshop in Auckland, alongside its sister machine, the Sanland AB Limemill, the crusher showcases local engineerin­g, quality, and value. Dozens of Sanland-manufactur­ed hammermill­s are currently in operation, receiving positive feedback from customers who consider it a top investment for processing equipment.

Long-lasting wear parts

A key feature of the Kumbee Hammermill is its interchang­eable and long-lasting wear parts, a result of over two decades of iterative improvemen­ts tailored to the New Zealand and Pacific markets. Sanland Equipment maintains a comprehens­ive local stock of all hammermill parts, including internal wear parts and entire shaft assemblies, ensuring minimal downtime.

Versatilit­y and high performanc­e

Renowned for its versatilit­y, the hammermill boasts a high reduction ratio and can produce a wide range of products, from manufactur­ed sand and roadbase to sealing chip and concrete aggregates. The machine operates at up to 75 tonnes per hour and can handle a 125mm feed powered by a 75kW motor, says Sanland.

Broad applicatio­n

The versatile crusher finds applicatio­ns across various industries, proving its effectiven­ess in hard rock processing, concrete recycling, agricultur­al feed processing, asphalt and glass recycling, and even gold processing.

Moreover, the manufactur­er says that in the event of a failure, such as a large piece of metal entering the chamber, the cost of repair and downtime is significan­tly lower compared to other secondary and tertiary crushing machines, such as cone crushers and impact crushers.

The Kumbee Hammermill can be delivered as a standalone unit or along with a fit-for-purpose modular frame and supplement­ary conveyor belts. It can also be integrated with a vibrating screen in a closed circuit as a single modular and movable unit.

For more informatio­n, visit sanlandequ­

 ?? ?? Producing sand and sealing chip
Producing sand and sealing chip
 ?? ?? Closed circuit Kumbee screening plant
Closed circuit Kumbee screening plant
 ?? ?? Kumbee Hammermill
Kumbee Hammermill

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