



Anthony grew up eating this classic Greek soup, which is a sublime combinatio­n of rice in an eggy–lemony broth. We love making this soup for our little family in the winter months, with the sh and vegetables cooked in the broth served on the side.

2 large potatoes, peeled and quartered 2 carrots, peeled and chopped

1 celery stalk, chopped small bunch of at-leaf parsley

1 whole snapper (1–1.5 kg), scaled,

gutted and chopped into 3 or 4 cutlets extra-virgin olive oil, to serve

2 cups white rice

2 eggs, beaten juice of 2 small lemons

Place the vegetables and parsley in a large, deep pot with 2 litres of water and cook on medium heat for around 10 minutes, or until they start to soften. Place the snapper carefully on top of the vegetables and continue to cook for another 20 minutes, until the sh has cooked through and the esh easily comes away from the bone. Carefully remove the sh, potatoes, carrots and celery using a slotted spoon and place on a platter to serve, keeping warm. We like to remove the sh esh from the bones and arrange it on the plate with the potatoes and carrots, and add a drizzle of olive before serving.

Strain the remaining stock into another container through a sieve, then return to the pot and cook over medium–low heat. Add the rice, stirring regularly. Once the rice has cooked al dente, take the pot o the heat and let it sit for a few minutes. Add the egg and lemon juice to a jug and stir well to combine. Start stirring the soup slowly and continuous­ly – do not stop – and gently pour the lemon mix into the soup. The soup should start to become a milky white colour. It’s important to stir continuous­ly otherwise the eggs will scramble. This creates the classic avgolemono avour.

Serve the soup in bowls and enjoy with the sh and vegetables on the side. You can add pieces of the snapper back into the soup if you like – or eat as you like. ■

 ?? ?? This is an edited extract from The Fishmonger’s Son by Anthony Yotis, Laura di Florio Yotis, Macmillan Publishers, RRP $49.99. Photograph­y by Mark Roper.
This is an edited extract from The Fishmonger’s Son by Anthony Yotis, Laura di Florio Yotis, Macmillan Publishers, RRP $49.99. Photograph­y by Mark Roper.

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