Times of Malta

Identità reaches agreement with lawyers and notaries

Changes to become obligatory from Monday, September 23


Identità has reached an agreement with the entities regulating legal profession­als, in which they have accepted to sign a new attestatio­n form that must now be presented by third-country nationals when signing new leases.

Previously, the Notarial Council and the Chamber of Advocates had both directed their members not to sign these forms over verificati­on concerns.

Continue to have zero tolerance for abuse

Earlier this month, Identità introduced new rules that required third-country nationals applying for a residence permit to provide a notarised lease agreement.

However, the Notarial Council and the Chamber of Advocates had directed their members not to sign these attestatio­n forms, over concerns that there is the possibilit­y of attesting the signatures without witnessing the signing.

Under the old previous system such applicants were required to present a lease

nd agreement registered with the Housing Authority when applying for a permit.

In a statement yesterday, Identità said that, after a series of consultati­ons with lawyers, notaries and legal procurator­s, an agreement had been reached on the matter.

It was agreed that lease agreements presented as part of an applicatio­n for a residence permit must be officially attested by a notary, lawyer or legal procurator.

It said that the aim of this is to ensure forms contain correct and trustworth­y informatio­n and can provide the agency legal certainty so that abuse can be avoided.

The inclusion of the attestatio­n form will become obligatory from Monday, September 23 for applicatio­ns that involve new leases.

“Identità will continue to have zero tolerance for abuse and every case discovered will be reported to the relevant authoritie­s,” they said.

 ?? PHOTO: MATTHEW MIRABELLI ?? Identità said the aim of the new system is to ensure forms contain correct and trustworth­y informatio­n and can provide the agency legal certainty so that abuse can be avoided.
PHOTO: MATTHEW MIRABELLI Identità said the aim of the new system is to ensure forms contain correct and trustworth­y informatio­n and can provide the agency legal certainty so that abuse can be avoided.

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