Times of Malta

Kenya school dorm fire kills at least 17 children


At least 17 young children were killed in a fire that ripped through their primary school dormitory in central Kenya overnight, with initial reports yesterday indicating it was overcrowde­d.

The blaze in Hillside Endarasha Academy in Nyeri county broke out at around midnight, police said, engulfing rooms where more than 150 children were sleeping.

Police said the average age of the victims was around nine. The school, which caters to some 800 children, is located in a semi-rural area around 170 kilometres north of the capital Nairobi.

“The bodies recovered at the scene were burnt beyond recognitio­n,” national police spokespers­on Resila Onyango said.

“More bodies are likely to be recovered once [the] scene is fully processed,” she added.

She said several children had been taken to a nearby hospital with injuries.

Many families were left waiting anxiously at the school gates to be reunited with their children.

“There has been very little informatio­n. They are telling us some children escaped but we are not being told to where,” said Francis Wachira, 33, who has a daughter at the school.

“The more I stay here the more my hope in finding the child is fading,” he said.

An AFP journalist saw survivors wrapped in blue blankets against the cold, being loaded into school buses.

Speaking at the scene, Interior Minister Kithure Kindiki said some children ended up in neighbouri­ng homes.

“There are some children who are alive and well, but they are of course traumatise­d and they are in the hands of those who gave them refuge

last night,” said Kindiki, adding that the authoritie­s were still piecing together informatio­n.

Elisabeth Nyambura, 35, said her 13-year-old son had been found and taken home while she looked for one of his classmates.

“All he told me was that he saw smoke and they escaped through the window. I am just glad he is alive,” she said.

AFP footage showed the blackened shell of the dormitory, with its corrugated iron roof completely collapsed.

The cause of the fire was not yet known.

But Kenya’s National Gender and Equality Commission said initial reports indicated the dormitory was “overcrowde­d, in violation of safety standards” and called for an immediate inquiry. (AFP)

 ?? PHOTO: SIMON MAINA/AFP ?? Parents and members of the community gathered outside the Nyeri county’s Hillside Endarasha Academy in Nyeri county yesterday, after a fire broke out, killing 17 children.
PHOTO: SIMON MAINA/AFP Parents and members of the community gathered outside the Nyeri county’s Hillside Endarasha Academy in Nyeri county yesterday, after a fire broke out, killing 17 children.

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