Times of Malta

US judge rules that Google is monopoly in key anti-trust case


A US judge has handed Google a major legal blow, ruling in a landmark anti-trust case that it has maintained a monopoly with its dominant search engine.

The court decision against a big tech giant could alter how the sector operates in future.

District Court Judge Amit Mehta found that Google had a monopoly for search and for text ads through exclusive distributi­on agreements that made it the “default” option that people were likely to use on devices.

“After having carefully considered and weighed the witness testimony and evidence, the court reaches the following conclusion: Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,” Mehta wrote in his ruling.

The internet behemoth “has a major, largely unseen advantage over its rivals: default distributi­on,” he wrote.

The anti-trust trial pitting US prosecutor­s and nearly a dozen states against Google ended in May.

“This victory against Google is a historic win for the American people,” said US attorney general Merrick Garland.

“No company − no matter how large or influentia­l − is above the law.”

Google will appeal the verdict, according to global affairs president Kent Walker.

Walker pointed out that Mehta concludes Google is the industry’s highest quality search engine, particular­ly on mobile devices.

It remained to be seen what remedies or damages the judge might order in the case.

In one possible good sign for Google, Mehta concluded in his ruling that the tech titan’s violation of the Sherman Act did not have “anticompet­itive effects”.

Google’s search business would be hampered as generative artificial intelligen­ce, wielded by Microsoft’s Bing and

OpenAI budding ‘SearchGPT’, ramp up competitio­n.

The trial was the first time the US Department of Justice has faced a big tech company in court since Microsoft was targeted more than two decades ago over the dominance of its Windows operating system.

At the heart of the government’s case was the massive payments made by Google to Apple and other companies to keep its world-leading search engine as the default on iPhones, web browsers and other products.

Court testimony revealed that these payments reach the tens of billions of dollars every year to keep its prime real estate on Apple hardware or the Safari and Mozilla browsers.

Justice department lawyers argued that Google achieved and perpetuate­d its dominance through these default deals that also expanded to Samsung and other device makers. (AFP)

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 ?? ?? Google ‘has a major, largely unseen advantage over its rivals: default distributi­on’, judge says. PHOTO: AFP
Google ‘has a major, largely unseen advantage over its rivals: default distributi­on’, judge says. PHOTO: AFP
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