Times of Malta

We demand our Balluta Bay back

- ALBERT BUTTIGIEG Albert Buttigieg is the Nationalis­t Party spokespers­on on family and social solidarity. ALBERT@ALBERTBUTT­IGIEG.COM

Balluta Bay is not only a tourist landmark, with numerous photos of the bay being snapped to promote Malta as a tourist destinatio­n, but it is also a place where many people have fond childhood memories.

Sadly, Balluta Bay is closed to swimmers and has been for over two months now. This is not the first time that this has happened – last year, and the year before, the bay was contaminat­ed for many months.

On May 24, the Environmen­t Health Directorat­e advised bathers not to swim in the bay after identifyin­g the presence of E. coli and Enterococc­i because of sewage seeping into the bay. Ironically, the directorat­e’s warning was issued on the very same day Prime Minister Robert Abela pompously presided over the opening of the final phase of the upgrading of the Marriott Hotel – which overlooks Balluta Bay – after a €40 million investment.

After a whole month of silence on the part of the directorat­e, ignoring my requests for daily updates, on July 5 they informed us that sewage had stopped seeping in. However, the bay remained closed to the public.

In a statement, the directorat­e highlighte­d that the cause of contaminat­ion was due to an overflow from a “commercial entity” (who? no fines?) and from the nearby storm water/sewage system which, in their own words, was “old and had numerous cracks”.

As an MP, representi­ng our residents, and as a former mayor of the locality, I raised the issue in parliament on numerous occasions.

I have not only highlighte­d the incompeten­ce of the Labour government, in particular Environmen­t Minister Miriam Dalli, for failing to find

a solution but also accused the government of deliberate­ly doing nothing to address the issue.

In fact, during these 11 years of Labour administra­tion, no real investment took place, except the replenishi­ng of the bay with sand, ironically sponsored by Marriott Hotel in its subtle attempt to encroach on part of the sandy bay.

PN leader Bernard Grech has rightly highlighte­d that the government has failed to build on the investment made by past Nationalis­t government­s on the drainage system. Due to this lack of planning and investment, several bays have been closed to swimmers.

May I underline that, during my tenure as mayor, I am on record for having requested the central government to resolve the yearly contaminat­ion problem by upgrading or rebuilding the storm water/sewage tunnel, more so when there were numerous excavation­s going on in the area.

Incredibly, the reply was that there were no funds available. Sadly, this is a government willing to sponsor party lackeys, such as the film commission­er, but then has no funds to improve the quality of life of locals and tourists alike.

In parliament, not only have I questioned if there exists a hidden agenda that is interested in keeping sewage seeping into the bay in order for the bay to be turned into another Sliema Ferries but I also accused the government that the sewage overflow is intentiona­l and deliberate.

I assertivel­y accused the Labour government that, with such an excuse, the government would be able to justify changing the bay’s status from a swimming bay into a commercial port.

I might sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I am not. This is a malicious plan by those sitting patiently behind the throne, pulling ropes and delivering brown envelopes. I stand by my statement delivered

recently in parliament. The government is determined to turn the bay into another Sliema Ferries.

Once more, the government is betraying the common good to appease some fat cat/s thinking that Malta is theirs for the taking.

Until now, the government has not yet denied my accusation­s. The government can prove me wrong by reopening the bay. Until then, I will continue insisting that the bay should be opened.

Rest assured that residents, local councillor­s, NGOs and others will not remain silent. Silence is not an option. It is an option only for those who are compromise­d and/or have some vested interest/s to remain sitting on the fence.

Once more, we assertivel­y and boldly stand in the way of those whose interest is to satisfy their compulsive greed. We demand our bay back. We are not asking, we are demanding.

Balluta Bay belongs to all. It belongs to the people. No fat cat can reclaim what is ours by right.

Hands off... to say it politely.

Balluta Bay belongs to all. It belongs to the people. No fat cat can reclaim what is ours by right*

 ?? PHOTO: MATTHEW ?? Signs warning people not to swim at Balluta Bay, which has turned green.
PHOTO: MATTHEW Signs warning people not to swim at Balluta Bay, which has turned green. nd MIRABELLI
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