Times of Malta

Police 210th anniversar­y


My congratula­tions to each member of the Malta Police Force on its 210th anniversar­y, which was celebrated on July 12.

I heard the festive mass celebrated for this occasion by our beloved and respected charismati­c Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna, at St John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta, which was aired on TVM.

This was really a very impressive celebratio­n attended by members of the corps, President Myriam Spiteri Debono and her husband, Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri, Police Commission­er Angelo Gafà, several distinguis­hed personalit­ies and some laymen. (I missed the presence of our prime minister and the leader of the opposition.)

The hymns – especially Nadurawk, Ja Ħobż tas-Sema, which made me shed some tears – and the national anthem, sung and played by the police choir and orchestra respective­ly, were really moving.

However, striking and very factual for our times was the gospel [Mt 10:16-23] read and the reflection­s made by the archbishop in

his erudite homely. He had to state that the gospel – most befitting the force’s duties in Malta today – was not chosen for the occasion but was a selection read during mass, on Friday, all over the world.

Among the straightfo­rward messages ‘given’ during the homely: the comparison of Jesus sending his apostles “… like sheep in the midst of wolves…” with the work of the police; the duty of the police to fight corruption… a cancer in

today’s society; that the police should be “instrument­s of justice, law, and legality”; a prayer for God to be with the police, who leave home and a family to perform their duties… so they may return home safely to their family after work.

An outstandin­g homily; my humble prosit to the archbishop.

And a happy anniversar­y to our dear police officers!


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