Times of Malta

Id-Dar tal-Providenza volleyball marathon: 53 hours of non-stop play


Id-Dar tal-Providenza in Siġġiewi is holding its annual fundraisin­g volleyball marathon this weekend. Taking part are 40 players who will play a total of 53 hours non-stop.

Among them is Julian Calleja, a visual effects artist and photograph­er, who has volunteere­d for the volleyball marathon in aid of IdDar tal-Providenza since the late 1990s. He is now married and a father to little Andy.

Julian finds a lot of support from his family, especially his wife, and believes that if it were not for their genuine understand­ing of how much of a good cause the marathon is, it would be harder for him to participat­e.

The marathon is not simply the 53 hours of continuous play − that is just about the final part of it, he says. Because of training, his commitment to the marathon starts way earlier than the final week of preparatio­ns.

When asked about what inspires him to participat­e year after year besides his love for the game, Julian says that the marathon reunites him with friends he’s known for as long as

tontadke he started part in the event, acknowledg­ing that because of the marathon, he was able to foster lifelong and meaningful friendship­s.

He also says that the marathon is not just for the players, but it incorporat­es a wider network of volunteers without whose active participat­ion and commitment, the event could not happen.

Quoting Sir Richard Branson, Julian says that his philosophy towards life is “if it’s not fun, then don’t do it!”. The marathon has become part of his yearly commitment­s and even though it is challengin­g and requires commitment and training, it is also a way of supporting others while still having fun.

This year’s edition of the volleyball marathon in aid of IdDar tal-Providenza will take place in the home’s parking area between Friday at 6.30pm and midnight on Sunday. There will be live music by local popular bands, food stalls and a children’s area.

Those who wish to donate may visit www.sabihlitag­hti.org or call one of the following numbers: €10 − 5160 2011; €15 − 5170 2012; €25 − 5180 2013; €50 − 5190 2070; and €100 − 5130 2044.

 ?? PHOTOS: DX PHOTOGRAPH­Y ?? Julian Calleja has taken part in the volleyball marathon in aid of IdDar tal-Providenza since the late 1990s.
PHOTOS: DX PHOTOGRAPH­Y Julian Calleja has taken part in the volleyball marathon in aid of IdDar tal-Providenza since the late 1990s.
 ?? ?? Julian Calleja (left) with other players and volunteers.
Julian Calleja (left) with other players and volunteers.

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